Ivy MA Last Year 6 January – 28 February 2015 Opening - TopicsExpress


Ivy MA Last Year 6 January – 28 February 2015 Opening Tuesday, 6 January 2015, 6 – 9 pm Gallery EXIT 3/F, 25 Hing Wo Street, Tin Wan, Aberdeen, Hong Kong Hours: Tue - Sat, 1100 – 1800 Gallery EXIT is pleased to present LAST YEAR, Ivy MA’s third solo exhibition with the gallery. Featuring a selection of old and never-to-be-seen new works, LAST YEAR is a further development of MA’s ongoing interest in the interpretation of history and the nature of historical knowledge. Anchoring around her eponym artwork Last Year, the exhibition feeds itself on both personal encounters and gazes of current and past events from the perspective of subjects who are actively or involuntarily involved in the unfolding of historical events. In the past five years, MA has been working largely with photographs from various sources with a vibe of past and history lingering in her practice. In her latest work Last Year, the artist shifts her engagement to the now. Borrowing the formal composition of the portraits, Last Year is a series of 39 aptly manipulated snapshots of the individuals appearing in different sites of the recent turbulent events in Hong Kong with a blend of photography and drawing. Working on the physicality of these images, MA erases large swathes of visual information, overlaying hand-drawn patterns and embellishing existing elements. Through this physical engagement, MA disrupts the images with obscurity by wiping away the hint of time on every image in an attempt to bring them back to the present. From past events as chronicled in the work Leaving to fictional representation of historical figures as depicted in Birds, LAST YEAR speaks of the present moments perceived and felt as the already past. Between the past and the present, MA strives to transcend both and the sense of time together, intimating that every subject inherits both a present and a past reality and hitting on the question of the constitution of human history. 馬琼珠 《去年》 2015 年 1 月 6 日至 2 月 28 日 開幕: 1 月 6 日 (星期二) 下午 6 時至 9 時 地點: 安全口畫廊 香港香港仔田灣興和街 25 號大生工業大廈 3 樓 辦公時間: 星期二至六 1100 - 1800 安全口畫廊呈獻與馬琼珠合作的第三個個展《去年》。 馬氏創作的興趣範疇一直在於詮釋歷史和理解歷史知識的本質。展覽《去年》將延伸藝術家的興趣,除了部分挑選出來的舊作外,還會展出一系列新作。是次展覽將以與展覽同名的作品《去年》為中心, 捕捉了不同的個人經歷,以及身處於當前和過去事件中的不同眼神。藝術家從不同人的角度出發,不論相中人是自發的還是不自願地出現於歷史的洪流中 。 在過去五年間,馬氏一直以大量來自不同出處的照片創作,她的作品中總瀰漫著一種關於過去和歷史的氣質。然而,在近作《去年》中可見藝術家把關注轉移到現在。《去年》是一系列共 39 張經藝術家處理過的快照,借用肖像中的形式結構,揉合了攝影和繪畫。香港近來動盪不斷,快照中的人物都曾出現於不同的事發地點。馬氏從這些照片的具體特質出發,刪掉一大部分視覺資訊,蓋上一層手繪圖案,並美化現有的元素。透過藝術家本人親身的行動,以一種朦朧的效果抹掉照片裡時間的痕跡,打亂影象本身,從而把照片的內容帶到當下。 從過去的事件如作品 Leaving 裡所記載的,到在 Birds 裡所刻畫關於歷史人物的虛構表象,展覽《去年》都把當下的每一刻轉化成一種過去的感知。在現在和過去之間,馬氏所追求的是超越二者本身,並連同時間的意識也一併超越。她向觀眾暗示每一個人都同時繼承了現在和過去的現實世界,以此引發對人類歷史構成的整體反思。 https://facebook/events/829727120403982/?ref=2&ref_dashboard_filter=invites
Posted on: Wed, 14 Jan 2015 07:01:00 +0000

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