I’M FROM THE GOVERNMENT (I’M HERE TO HELP, TRUST ME) I know this is revisionist history but if you are let’s say, SITTING BULL & knowing what you know now to be the truth would you trust our government ?....... I don’t think so……But revisionist history or not it seems we never learn from our past……And perhaps we do somewhat in our personal lives, but when it comes to government (politics) and perhaps religion nope, not at all or it seems like never……So tell me why should we trust the government or better yet why should we ever trust government??? Under what auspices or authority or conditions do we trust…….And if you go by the old saying, TRUST IS EARNED……then what in the hell are we doing???? Or using another old term, WHAT HAVE YOU DONE FOR ME LATELY, would you trust this GOVERNMENT……..answer: hell no….. We now have a government that would rather lie than tell the truth, would rather steal than earn, spend than save and deceive than be honest or transparent…… I mean when the PRISSY PANTS POTUS said this was going to be the most transparent administration EVER……REALLY and did you believe this lie….. Not me for even a second…..I may not be the smartest ass in the word, but there’s an ill wind blowing….. Let’s break this down a different way ……………. When government says this (something) is good for the country……you can bet it’ll cost you (freedom or Money) …… when they say this (program) will save us money, you can bet it won’t ….then there’s the old standards, reducing the size of government, cost cutting measures, less regulation=more regulation, truth & honesty, crime, corruption & hundreds of other promises or innuendos they fail at every day in every way…… But let’s be very clear about this; anytime this government says they are going to fix anything you can bet the ranch on this…….. They created the problem in the first place; they have really no desire to fix any such problem, you can bet friends or family are making money on it (or because of it……And it’s just a dog & pony show…… Do you really believe that those that created the problems can or will fix it……I don’t!!!!! And when the government tells you can trust them …… you ought to run like hell….. Because the shits fixing to hit the fan…… And while I don’t pretend to be an oracle, a diviner or a prognosticator of things yet to happen…..But you best CYA……it’ll get worse before it’ll get any better……IN GOD I TRUST, IN GOVERNMENT NOT WHATSOEVER…………………..
Posted on: Sat, 29 Jun 2013 13:36:58 +0000

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