I’VE BEEN WAITING FOR THIS MOMENT FOR ALL MY LIFE It has all been a pack of lies. Everything! Everything you thought to be true. Everything you believed in. Everything you have been taught about who and what you are. Nothing and everything is ever as it seems. Why? Because it is all just a grand illusion. The world is a stage full of actors, each playing a chosen role in this drama called life. Many of the actors on the world stage are master illusionists and they tend to hold all of the positions of power and control in the world. Then there are the dupes, the puppets who do the bidding for their puppet masters. And then there is you, the “extras” they use, manipulate and experiment on. Has the veil of illusion dropped for you yet? Can you see through the hoax, the deceptions, the lies, just as Dorothy did when Toto tugged back the veil to expose the little farce of a man behind The Wizard of Oz? Nothing destroys illusion faster than the wielding of the sword of truth. If you wish to know the truth you must first be prepared to be honest with yourself, seek to live truthfully within and through yourself. Only then can the great revealing of truth on a worldly scale unfold for you. If this has or is occurring for you then you have been experiencing plenty of aha moments as the pennies drop in every which direction. Savour the moments of transcendence into the higher states of conscious awareness, for they are indeed precious. As uncomfortable and awkward as it may be to discover that you have been serving the wrong master, worshiping a fake, idolising mere psychopaths, buying into the bullshit, living a lie or throwing away your power through fear, you will also discover that there truly is, ‘NO PLACE LIKE HOME.’ Home is where the heart is. It houses the soul of your whole being. It is who you are in essence. If you have found this place within, then you will be grounded and balanced during this period in time in which everything around you is in flux, highly unpredictable, turned upside down, inside out and is in the destruction cycle. Chaos rules supreme right now. It is akin to literally living on the ‘funny farm.’ And no matter how hard you try to keep law and order going in your daily affairs, you are likely to be experiencing exasperating scenarios which leave you wondering WTF!! Even if you seemingly have it together, everyone else around you clearly hasn’t and their shit affects you in ways that makes you want to hit them over the head with a baseball bat. Right? Even the simplest of tasks or appointments can quickly turn into a shambles. Meetings with others can escalate into volatile exchanges or even dangerous liaisons as we have some really powerful and destructive energies coming at us right now from every which way. How this destruction cycle is all panning out for you personally, is relevant to a number of things depending on where you are at in the cycles of your life, how much work you have already done on yourself, how awake and aware you are, what areas of your life are being deconstructed in order to take you into the new, how truthful you are being with yourself and others, how much good and bad karma you have accumulated, the choices you are making and the direction you are taking. Take a good look at the particular area or areas of your life in order to pin point where the destruction is occurring, for that will be the area that needs work or to be healed, released or strengthened. For example, if you have a relationship that started out on lies and deception, odds are you are now experiencing the consequences and the lies and deceit are being exposed. If you have built some grand thing such as a business which has a foundation created with sand instead of mortar, then it will fail. THE BIG PICTURE Anything that is not true to who you are and where you are headed is up for reconstruction. We have a whole system here that was built on lies and deception. Every organisation and institution that was created for human beings has failed to ‘serve’ and adequately ‘care’ for human beings. Statistics have shown that more people are ‘killed’ in hospitals through negligence and infections than by the actual reason they went to hospital in the first place. It can be a difficult thing to keep ones eye on the big picture amid the chaos of destruction. You will have a better chance of achieving this if you are grounded and centered through healthy practices such as yoga, meditation and other stress releasing exercises together with nurturing each and every aspect of yourself being body, mind, heart and soul. Faith and trust plays a big part in orientating what can feel like a minefield at times. If you have been tuning out attempting to avoid the negative or you are refusing to face the shadow aspects within yourself, chances are you are also missing the positive signs as well and will have no hope of seeing the light at the end of the tunnel. Light / darkness are the opposite polarities of the same coin. One simply doesn’t exist without the other. Therefore you need to transcend one in order to get to the other. On a global scale we are now beginning to see the light shinning through with mass awakenings, growing numbers of truth seekers, freedom fighters and even countries uniting to bring about high level arrests, the collapse of the US super power and Rothschilds banking cartel. It has taken centuries to both create and defeat the corruption. Evil has reigned and ruled upon earth and its inhabitants for thousands of years. And now it has begun to go down, like a domino effect. Pay attention to the signs, cycles, process and progress. There is some amazingly awe inspiring events occurring amid the chaos and confusion unfolding on the ‘funny farm.’ We can choose to rise above all the funny stuff and even laugh in its face if we choose to see just how ridiculously ludicrous it really is, especially if you are wise enough to have seen through the illusion and deception. When it all gets too hard and you know a solution is beyond your means alone, all you need to do is surrender. Let go of that which isn’t working. Change on a grand scale for the better. I can feel it coming in the air tonight. Can you? Love & Light - DC youtu.be/YkADj0TPrJA
Posted on: Wed, 26 Nov 2014 06:44:01 +0000

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