I’d very much appreciate it if you could take a few moments of - TopicsExpress


I’d very much appreciate it if you could take a few moments of your time to read the following… This Saturday I am going to be undertaking the Tough Mudder event at Broughton Hall, Skipton. Tough Mudder is a 20K obstacle course designed to test all-around strength, stamina, teamwork, and mental grit. It is an endurance event in which participants attempt a military-style obstacle course. Designed and created by British Special Forces to test mental as well as physical strength, obstacles often play on common human fears, such as fire, water, electricity and heights: https://toughmudder.co.uk/obstacles Despite having a glass-back, two very dodgy knees and various long-standing football injuries I’m looking to push myself to my very limits, all in the name of an extremely worthy cause - Friends of Serenity. Friends of Serenity is a registered charity (non-profit organisation) founded by a good friend of my family, after she lost her son as a result of the genetic disorder Trisomy 13. The charity aims to help those who work tirelessly to provide essential support to bereaved families in their time of need. Their main aims are: • Raise funds for a 2nd Serenity suite at East Lancashire Women and New Born Centre, which will be utilised for sick pregnant women and for those who sadly lose their baby in pregnancy, giving them a quiet and comforting space to give birth and take the time their need. • Refurbish the current suite at East Lancashire Women and New Born Centre. • Create memory boxes for babies who has sadly lost their fight with life and are born from gestation 13 weeks. friendsofserenity.org/ I’m looking to raise as much money as possible for the charity through your generous donations. I’m hoping to have a fundraising page up and running in the next couple of days, so if you wish to donate, please comment below or drop me a private msg and I’ll provide details asap. Thank you in advance for any donation pledged (and for taking time to read this email). No matter how big or small…every little bit counts.
Posted on: Thu, 31 Jul 2014 19:08:05 +0000

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