I’m a firm believe in ‘Innocent until proven guilty’, but - TopicsExpress


I’m a firm believe in ‘Innocent until proven guilty’, but I’m afraid Oscar is beginning to take the Pistorius. He’s a great athlete, quite wealthy and seems to have a brain so some of his statements are even more unacceptable. Not that athletes need to be genii. Having been in a house with a burglar, I can attest that it is unnerving. It’s probably a far more dangerous prospect in South Africa than in south London, but to counter that threat, he did have the firepower of Iceland. I always hear, ‘guns don’t kill people, people do”, but a knife would not have travelled through a bathroom door and his girlfriend’s head. Would it? I don’t know about you, but if I thought there was an intruder in my bathroom, believing my girlfriend/wife to be in bed I would have shouted (something like) one of the following outside the bathroom door: 1 “Dearest one, are you in there, because if you’re not, I’m just about to blow some crook to Kingdome come”. Either Ms Steenkamp would have shouted back: 1 “Yes, I’ve of a bit of a dodgy tum from the meal you claim I ate several hours ago when, actually, I ate it less than two hours ago”. “I’ll be back to bed shortly”. 2 “No I’m in bed”. 3 Silence as girlfriend is fast asleep in the bedroom, as he’s suspected, in which case Oscar could have yelled (louder): 1 “Dearest One, WAKE UP and call the police as we have a burglar who (sic) I’m going to splatter all over the bog” or 2 Listen, Muthafracker, I know you’re in there. I am armed, we’ve called the cops…..Touch that door and you’ll be redecorating my bathroom…..RED. Or he could have fired a warning shot at the wall to scare the intruder shipless. After all, if the perp locked himself in the bathroom, he was hardly gunning (geddit) for a fight. Firing through the door even if he had thought an intruder was inside makes absolutely no sense. I understand that Pistorius could not possibly admit that the threated Ms Steencamp to the point that she locked herself in the bathroom and still he shot her through the door and badly wounded, then killed her. It’s just too awful to admit. None of what he says makes sense, but not much of what OJ Simpson or Michael Jackson claimed made sense either and look what happened in those cases.
Posted on: Mon, 07 Apr 2014 14:34:42 +0000

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