I’m about to just say what every pregnant woman has felt at one - TopicsExpress


I’m about to just say what every pregnant woman has felt at one time and what men should know. This is just something I have been thinking about and someone may need this. Feel free to share, comment your opinion or whatever you feel. This is long, it’s really long, but it’s real. Being pregnant is one of the most natural, beautiful and life-changing experiences any woman could ever go through - besides child birth that is. You start this process completely normal, some excited, some nervous and maybe some with mixed feelings for the time ahead. This journey is different for women and men. Although they are basically there and see what’s happening, they don’t feel it. It’s difficult for men to REALLY feel and know what pregnant women go through, and they never truly will. You can’t completely blame them though, they aren’t feeling what you feel. So with all these emotions, the days you just want to burst into tears for no reason (then you just cry more because you don’t understand why) and want to be held, the times you don’t want to be touched, and those god-awful moments where you feel like the world is coming down around you…they don’t feel that. It’s even more frustrating to actually understand the fact that no matter how hard you try to explain what is happening to your body, they are never understanding it. On those first weeks of pregnancy, for me, it was much like a dream. I was so groggy, sleepy, emotional, and I puked – a lot. I dedicated every morning to the toilet, everything I ate was already toilet bound before it actually hit my stomach. Every smell whether it was good or bad made me gag, and during grocery shopping, I had to hold my breath going down every isle while reviewing my “puke plan” in my head. This here is really enough to lose your mind and become angry at the world. You have to alter almost your whole life to accommodate something that you carry alone. All this time is passing for women, and men don’t really have to change much of anything except listen to the emotional roller coaster that they’ve help create. I remember sleeping a lot in the beginning and not wanting much of anything except something for my headache, a trash can to puke in, and a bed to sleep on…now that I’m mentioning this, it was almost like having an ever-lasting hang over. My body got so weak from lying in bed, that I felt like I was going to pass out doing the tiniest things. Whether you’re the one carrying the new life, or the one who gets the seat next to the show, you have to remember that there is a BODY growing inside of another body and that is absolutely astounding. Your insides are shifting, and things are growing to make room for this process. It’s quite extreme. Women are freaking superheros for going through this! So men, listening to whining is perfectly acceptable, holding her while she’s down is wonderful, and genuinely letting her know that you’re there for her makes all the difference. I’m not saying you can’t complain, just don’t do it to your expecting significant other. I know, it’s a double standard, but, it’s just how it is. By second/third trimester, you women should be feeling just like yourself again! Okay, I’m definitely not serious. Although it MAY have gotten a little easier puke wise, your body is still growing, shifting and preparing itself for that big day. So this means, your hips, those big things that are supposed to hold the rest of your body up and support you, are now letting you down. For me, my hips always hurt throughout both of my pregnancies. You may have lost the pain of puking up stomach acid, however you gained about 5 more problems. I can’t even tell you how badly my hips hurt at the end of some days. Waddling will be your new way of getting around and even the “crouched-down-because-my-back-hurts-so-bad-I-can’t-stand-up-straight” walk happens daily. This is also where you have no complete control over your own bladder. Every cough, sneeze, and those bumpy rides in the car, you better have your legs squeezed as tight as they can possible be or there’s almost no doubt you’ll be peeing your pants. Those relaxing baths you once loved to take are now a chore. You’ll be panting, holding your breath, grunting, and maybe even cursing, just to lift yourself out of the bathtub. In those last final weeks of pregnancy, you’re done. Men, your women are done. Open the doors, offer to help her out of bed, the bath, the car, whatever you think may be necessary…or even unnecessary. If she says no, she probably means no, at least you tried. Sleeping isn’t the same. It’s not relaxing like it used to be, you can turn over to the other side without feeling like a tub of lard, getting up in the middle of the night to pee is a nightmare and those hips...those dang hips. Men, love your lady through all of this. She’s going to feel unwanted, unloved and at times ugly and honestly it’s YOUR job to make her feel like she’s not…even if she is looking a bit on the rough side. She’s bringing in a new life into this world, a life that you helped create, and a life that you will love even more than your own. It’s hard, it’s stressful, but teamwork is the only way to get through this. Don’t make her feel like she’s doing it alone.
Posted on: Tue, 26 Aug 2014 16:08:34 +0000

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