I’m about to make up a guide to “how to guess someone’s - TopicsExpress


I’m about to make up a guide to “how to guess someone’s zodiac sign." it’ll be a bit rough, so bear with me. FIRST: (For each question: the answer are yes, add 1. If the answer is no, add 2.) Number One: Are they impulsive? Number Two: Do they act based on how they feel, rather than what they think? Number Three: Do they spend more time acting, then thinking? Number Four: Do they spend more time focusing on the world around them, or the world within them? Number Five: Are they very direct with their thoughts and opinions? If your total is: 8 or more, they’re likely to be a Masculine Sign. 7 or less, they’re likely to be a Feminine Sign. Masculine Signs are Aries, Gemini, Leo, Libra, Sagittarius, and Aquarius. Feminine Signs are Taurus, Cancer, Virgo, Scorpio, Capricorn, and Pisces. SECOND: (There will be groupings of three statements, each statement having a value of 1, 2, or 3. Choose the most accurate statement in each grouping, and add the appropriate numerical value) Number One: They initiate. (1) They complete. (2) They sustain. (3) Number Two: They tend to not complete everything they start. (1) They tend to finish everything, but have difficulty starting. (2) They tend to prefer to assist others in complete tasks. (3) Number Three: They accept change, so long it was their idea. (1) They prefer things to not change, unless absolutely necessary. (2) They easily adapt to the people and circumstances around them. (3) Number Four: They can be quite dominating of others. (1) They can be extremely stubborn. (2) They can be rather ambiguous. (3) Number Five: They easily assert their opinions. (1) Prefer pursuing goals in a safe environment. (2) They are very open-minded, and welcome new ideas. (3) If your total is: 12 or more, they’re likely to be a Mutable Sign. 8 - 11 they’re likely to be Fixed Sign. 7 or less, they’re likely to be a Cardinal Sign. Mutable Signs are Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, and Pisces. Fixed Signs are Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, and Aquarius. Cardinal Signs are Aries, Cancer, Libra, and Capricorn. THIRD: (There will be groupings of four statements, each statement having a value of 1, 2, 3, or 4. Choose the most accurate statement in each grouping, and add the appropriate numerical value) Number One: They are vivacious and passionate. (1) They are practical and stable. (2) They are social and intellectual. (3) They are intuitive and emotional. (4) Number Two: They prefer to experience life by going after everything they want. (1) They prefer to experience life through their senses.. (2) They prefer to navigate through life with their mind. (3) They prefer to navigate through life by following their instincts. (4) Number Three: They often rushing into action without spending much time planning ahead. (1) They often live life at a slower pace than others. (2) They often feel a space between reality and their conscious mind, making them seem aloof/detached. (3) They often feel misunderstood, despite their ability to understand others. (4) Number Four: They have potential to be both creative, and destructive. (1) Their comfort in material comforts may cause them to become overly possessive. (2) They can be elusive, eccentric, and unpredictable. (3) They are often consumed by their emotions, and have trouble containing themselves. (4) Number Five: They can appear rather egoistic, but do care a great deal for others. (1) They are logical and realistic, preferring to avoid anything that may alter their perception of their reality. (2) They are intellectually skilled, but often lack emotional depth. (3) They are full of compassion and empathy, and often lose themselves in the troubles of others. (4) If your total is: 16 or more, they’re likely to be a Water Sign. 12 - 15, they’re likely to be a Air Sign. 8 - 11, they’re likely to be a Earth Sign. 7 or less, they’re likely to be a Fire Sign. Fire Signs are Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius. Earth Signs are Taurus, Virgo, and Capricorn. Air Signs are Gemini, Libra, and Aquarius. Water Signs are Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces. THE LAST STEP IS TO CROSS EXAMINE. Which Zodiac Sign was in each of your results? That may be what their sign is! Say you got Masculine, Cardinal, and Fire. It’s likely they’re an Aries. Final note: This isn’t exact, naturally, as there are many variables as to which traits they express and which they don’t. But it may help you get some idea. :) (Also, I’ll re-do this, probably, and post it on the main blog!) ALSO ALSO: everyone, please try this! Let me know if you get accurate results, so I know if I have to tweak it. :3
Posted on: Wed, 24 Jul 2013 03:48:33 +0000

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