I’m angry. Angry of our stupid f*cked up government. Angry of us - TopicsExpress


I’m angry. Angry of our stupid f*cked up government. Angry of us Lebanese people!!! Angry because: “Mhebil bi 7a22 7alna” . Wherever I go, I see that positions who were once to Lebanese employees, are now OCCUPIED by Syrian employees (please note that I have nothing against the Syrian people, it’s the Lebanese people that I’m hating on right now.) Why in the HELL would you let go a Lebanese ENGINEER, to employ a foreigner one?!?! Because you’d pay him less?!?! F**K YOU!!!! That’s all I’m going to say. Second issue that is driving me MAD: it wasn’t enough that most lebanese drivers are deranged, demented, unbalanced, SUICIDAL. Now we have Syrian drivers with the lebanese driving style leading to even more chaos. Not ONLY THAT… none of them has car INSURANCE!!! Logically no car should be allowed on lebanese roads without insurance. Logically. And since it’s a money driven world and country we’re living in, can’t you imagine the amount of money you would be making by imposing an insurance on every single car coming from outside the Lebanese borders?! I just can’t take it anymore. I’m angry... I always believed in Lebanon, and I always hoped it would get better. I’m starting to lose all hope, all attachment to the country I can no longer call my own.
Posted on: Thu, 31 Jul 2014 07:36:25 +0000

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