I’m disappointed in Democratic candidates who haven’t stood - TopicsExpress


I’m disappointed in Democratic candidates who haven’t stood before a crowd to say, “Yes, I’ve worked with President Obama, and I’m proud of what’s been accomplished.” Followed by a speech in this vein: “Yes, friends, I have supported the president as weve moved from the wreckage of the Great Recession, a time when our banking system teetered on edge, hundreds of thousands of jobs were lost each month, home values plummeted, foreclosures soared, small businesses went belly up and retirement savings were battered. But look! Home values are back where they were; banks are solvent and lending money; inflation is low; corporations are posting record profits; the stock market is back; the auto industry is thriving. “We ARE moving forward! The private sector has posted 55 straight months of job growth, the longest period of growth in history. Businesses have added 10.2 million jobs since the recession. Unemployment has dropped from 9.7% to 5.6%. Jobless claims are at their lowest level since 2007. The Consumer Confidence Index hit a seven-year high this month, an encouraging sign for retailers heading into the holiday shopping season. Our output of goods and services, our GDP, increased at an annual rate of 4.6% in the second quarter this year. That GDP, my friends, is far better than any other country in the world. “Our economy is picking up steam, but that’s not the only thing to be thankful for. I ask you: Is there any responsibility more important to a president than the safety of the people? Except for the Fort Hood shooter and the Boston Marathon bombings, terrorists have not desecrated our country with their violence. And while unrest plagues the Mideast, ask yourselves: How many of our troops are dying in Syria? Libya? Afghanistan? The Ukraine? You hear from the right that Obama has vacillated on the world stage, that he is too cautious, but know this: The influx of flag-draped coffins arriving from foreign wars has slowed to a trickle. God willing, even the trickle will end. “So yes, I have worked with our president, and yes, I’m proud of the progress weve made. I ask that you send me back to Washington, where I will work to keep the momentum going. Thank you. And God bless America.
Posted on: Thu, 30 Oct 2014 23:15:32 +0000

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