I’m getting on the thankful train!!!1. I’m thankful for God - TopicsExpress


I’m getting on the thankful train!!!1. I’m thankful for God sending his one and only son to die on the cross for our sins. 2. I’m thankful for all of thepeople at our church who are helping us get through things that we are facing at this time in our lives. 3. I’m thankful for people at my table at MOPS who are willing to help us get through what we are facing at this time in our lives. 4. I’m thankful for a roof over our head. 5. I’m thankful for food in the house 6. I’m thankful for clothes on our backs. 7. I’m thankful that I can bless a friend on FB who has a friend in need at this time in her life. 8. I’m thankful for people who do NOT have a problem with me holding their baby. 9. I’m thankful that my online party is starting to grow discoverytoys/publicstore/event/18295/AM/default.aspx#sthash.bGABErub.dpbs 10 I’m thankful for the people who brought what needed to be brought to fix our bed
Posted on: Sun, 10 Nov 2013 21:55:58 +0000

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