I’m going to be complimenting 141 people (unless I accidentally - TopicsExpress


I’m going to be complimenting 141 people (unless I accidentally skip or double a number). I’ll be saying “You’re really pretty” a lot, most people will be called funny, and I’ll use the same like five adjectives over and over. The people I only call pretty are ones that I just don’t know well enough and the funny ones are awesome. Also Im really sorry if there are any names spelled wrong or any typos. Sorry if yours seems half-assed but it just means I don’t know you too well. Let’s get this show on the road. 1. David Finn: You have maybe the best body I have ever seen in my entire life. 2. Logan Oelkers: You’re so smart and witty and I love your art. Its great to talk to you every day. 3. Nicole Lemon: I love you, man. You’re sassy and gorgeous and hilarious and the bestest pal ever. I could write novels about you. Now isnt the time ;) 4. Melissa Clark: You’ve always been one of the coolest spunkiest chicks around :) 5. Adam Titus: You, my dear friend, are fabulous. I really don’t like your hair now but you are still lovely. 6. Anna Atwell: You are really smart, always so ridiculously cheerful, and I wish we still talked. 7. Colleen Schmidt: I’ve known you for a really long time and you’ve never failed to be a nice person and great friend. 8. Liv Vilhauer: You ambitious little sprite. Weirdo. You’re fabulous. 9. Svea Malmstrom: You might be new to America but you are the greatest and you fit right in. 10. Annie Wold-Jurick: Oh my god YOU. You amazingly gorgeous, funny, giggly, smiley, long eye lashed beauty. You’re the most fabulous person ever in the history of ever. 11. Ethan Malo: You have the best eyes. 12. Emma Gannon: No wonder you have so many compliments on this wonderful page. You’re the best. Everyone go read all the other compliments for her. 13. Chelsea Arnold: You sing with the confidence of ten of me. Props. 14. Veronika Shchepetkina: I extremely enjoy your clothes. And smiles. 15. Finn Johnston: You are the funniest guy ever to cross my path. You are awesome. I think you’re probably one of the best guy I have ever met. I am so lucky to have you as a friend and you make my day every single day. I look forward to talking to you and whenever you’re gone class is just boring as hell. And I think you’re smart. You might not look it ;) but I think you are going to have a great time with the rest of your life. 16. Cassie Sprenger: We haven’t talked much in a while but you always made me giggle. 17. April Herstens: I LOVE YOU MAN. You, my dear girl. Fantastic. 18. Brenden Carroll: I think you’re awesome :) Mornings are never the same without our between classes conversation. 19. Jensen Weston: You have so much swag. You get to know who this is. Its a mountain. I love you. 20. Justice Geddes: I don’t care what judgmental tools don’t love you, I find you to be the most lovable, sweet guy I have ever been youth group friends with. 21. Hannah Cebulla: You’re pretty :) and I wish I knew you better. 22. Mandy Underkofler: You sing like all the angels joined the best parts of their voices, took all the soul from every person in the world, poured it down your throat then you chomped a jalapeno to make you so super spicy. Zing. 23. Mary Newton: You’re smart. And nice. Purdy too. 24. Caroline Janssen: The words smooth and spunky had a ménage a trois with rock and roll and somehow you were their lovechild. 25. Sara Stanek: Cheerful. That’s the word. 26. Hannah Newman: Hello gorgeous. 27. Tristan Riedl: You’re like Ted. Funny and like a teddy bear, youre just inadvertently cute. 28. Jackson Lipfert: You are really great to talk to. You’re funny, smart, and part of why I miss AP Bio is talking to you. 29. Dani Daley: I admire you because of exercise. You exercise, I don’t. 30. Ash Micklewright: You the most purely gorgeous person I know. 31. Jake Carter: You are really awesome. I know nothing of rap but you’re good. 32. Christina Denny: Well you’re certainly adamant when you’re in discussions with people… specifically Jackson. About Jesus and such. 33. Isaiah Bertagnolli: Fabulous. That’s stereotypical but it fits. 34. Frances Cronin: I like your clothes as well :) and you’re brave. 35. Heather Sun: You’re sparkly and wonderful. ‘Nuff said. 36. George Oswald III: Just the fact that you have “the third” as a bit in your name is fantastic. 37. Amy Shaw: I miss the days when you would smile at me every time I saw you in the halls. Now we hardly see each other. Sadness. 38. Allie White: You are maybe the most consistently nice person I’ve ever met. 39. Tabatha Williams: I admire you. You are really strong. 40. Eric Thompson: You’re a really suave guy. I hope that everything you got goin on works out. 41. Lexi Phelps: You have come really far since that last time we really talked. 42. Stella Nall: You’re adorable as a person and always really nice and you’re really pretty. 43. Mariquita Harris: I don’t know you too well but you’re just too pretty. It’s like trying to stare in to the sun. 44. Ashlee Ross: Well I may never meet another girl more definitively herself than you. 45. Monica Robinson: You’re pretty :) and I wish we talked 46. Guy Hollabaugh: I’m not sure if it’s intentional but somehow every single word you say sounds like you’re being flirtatious. Maybe you’re just that cool. 47. Sara Atwell: You make me giggle :) 48. Beth Jansma: I hardly know you at all but you are very easy on the eyes. 49. Natalie Wilkinson: I’ve always admired your academic achievement. Quite frankly, I have no capacity for doing work and you’ve always been one of the smartest people around so I admire you. 50. Alyssa Adams: We don’t talk much but we did a bit last year and it always made my day a little bit better. 51. Kim Argrew: You’re really cool. We maybe didn’t click as perfectly as we could have but I wish we had. I would have loved to get to know you better. 52. Sara Blessing: I haven’t seen much of you in a couple years but you’re still gorgeous. 53. Ben Hietala: You’re pretty much “the nice cool guy.” 54. Claire Babcock: You are still sassy. Admiration from me. 55. Hannah Ruefer: I miss you dude! We had good times. You’re smart and funny and all that lovely stuff plus you’re tough. 56. Jeydin O’Malley: Every time I hear your last name I think of O’Malley the alley cat from Aristocats… You’re pretty awesome. 57. David Schwarz: Oh my god you’re the smartest dude in the whole world and you’re not a jerk about it! Your life is gonna be fantastic I know it. 58. Haley Roe: You’re gorgeous. Not pretty, gorgeous. Mesmerizing. 59. Amberlie Barton: Pretty, funny, nice, smart… Yeah that’s you. 60. McKenna Kirschten: You are probably the best short-term friend I’ve ever had. We should have kept hanging out after that church choir ended but maybe I’ll see you in something else sometime. 61. Yelizavetta (Liza): I have no idea what your last name is, unless it’s legit Kittyfayce which I kinda doubt. Anyway, you seemed kinda subdued when I first met you but whenever I talk to you it’s great and I always love seeing you. 62. Emily Johnson: I think when I met you everyone called you EJ... either way you’re nice and gorgeous and talkin with you last year always made me smile a little more. 63. Jake Parker: Talk about a bundle of joy. Jeez. What a lovely, lovely person you are. Whoa. 64. Casey Kallem: I haven’t seen you in years but be confident in who you are and don’t let anyone ever bring you down. No one who would ever say anything bad about you is worth even half a thought on your part. Wow that sounds really sappy. But seriously man stay golden. 65. Logan Toler: You’re the epitome of a sassy chick. I love it. 66. Lydia Baker: I love your clothes. So much. 67. Brittany Suisse: You too. You guys are so stylin. 68. Sue Bennett: You’re awesome. Confident, funny, spunky, and you’ve never said anything that ever made me anything but happy. 69. Nancy Rich: You’re gorgeous and smart and nice, pretty much the full package of awesome. 70. Alyssa Erickson: I like your clothes too. And your smile. You’re funny. 71. Tysen Radovich: You’re pretty much just a nice, funny guy. We don’t talk much anymore. 72. Connor Ault: I haven’t talked to you in a long time but I remember in fourth grade you sang surfin in the USA while standing on your yoga ball, didn’t fall, and didn’t get caught. You’ve always been really funny and an all-around nice guy. 73. Madison King: You’re gorgeous. 74. Eli Harris: You’re odd but really cool and funny. 75. Hailey Buckley: I haven’t seen you in years but I used to admire you for your strong will and general attractiveness. 76. Summer Craig: Youre really pretty :) and smiley and nice. 77. Margot Diffendaffer: You gave me my favorite birthday gift ever :) thanks for that. 78. Rebecca Lamm: We used to actually be almost friends then the circumstances where we used to hang out just kinda disappeared. Really sad actually. You’re super nice and funny and I love your laugh. 79. Ellie Lamberty: You are the most epicly cheerful chatterbox known to man. Your British accent is so hilariously horrible. 80. Suzanna Smith: You’re really funny I wish we hung out more I loved your superhero day outfit and you’re one of the nicest girls I know. 81. Duncan Blake: You were always the hot unattainable guy that my friends freshmen year had a massive crush on. Just thought you should know. 82. Alexa Safranek: You’ve always been the nice pretty blonde chick that everyone loves and you still are :). 83. Kira Huls: You’re very strong-willed. Persistent. I think you’ll be successful. 84. Kate Brunswick: I’ve always liked your easy laugh. 85. Ben Manion: You’re this cheerful looking nice guy that never seems to put anyone down and is always making someone smile. 86. Lliam Herbert: You’re one of the nicest guys I know. Every time you see me you say hello and I can’t even count the number of times you’ve held the door for me. We don’t talk. That sucks. 87. Taylor Hook: You’re someone that I don’t think anyone could dislike. Someone would have to be crazy to not like your sense of humor and your smile. 88. Dale Birdsley: You’re one of the nicest guys I’ve ever met. And one of the funniest. One of the smartest, the easiest to talk to, the best to hang out with, not to mention you have a body like a rock star under all that sweatshirt camouflage. I hope your future is a amazing as you deserve. You should know who this is… Pancakes, that should give it away. 89. Hannah Lang: You have such an amazing voice. And face. And style. And laugh. 90. Ava Swanson: Well everyone already knows how cool you are. It’s great when I get to hang out with you though, which isn’t much, sadly. 91. Elise Wilke: One of the strongest girls I know. Funny and talented, plus she’s beautiful. 92. Maddy Kroff: Well, when I met you, you were short and cute. Now you’re short (sorry, true), heavenly gorgeous, and talented. 93. Willa Smith: Well there’s a spunky girl if I ever saw one. You’re confident and you have good reason to be but you’re also nice and you laugh easily. 94. Cody Remer: We have sorta lost touch but you’re the funniest awkwardly tall albino looking half-ginger ish person ever. 95. Evan Pierson: Like this needs an explanation. Look at that face. Jeez. You almost literally ooze awesome. 96. Molly Hickey: You’re always laughing when I see you and we used to be friends and I kinda wish we still talked. 97. Grant Smilovic: You have always been the coolest kid ever to walk the earth. I remember in fifth grade every single one of my friends developed a crush on you and I don’t think any of them ever stopped. You’re really funny and kinda odd in a really good way. 98. Addie Lewis: You take the cake as far as nice cute girls go. I think most guys who have met you have had a massive crush on you at some point. Just an educated guess. 99. Hadley Marshall: You are so beautiful and you have such a perfect body I’m so jealous. And you’re always so nice to everyone and your smile and your laugh are just amazing. 100. Claire Young: I think you’re another of the strongest girls I know. You’re inspiring. 101. Rebecca Tseng: You always hug me whenever we see each other, which is wonderful and always makes my day, and you’ve always been really nice to me and you can always bring a smile to my face. 102. Emma Kerins: You’re pretty and it’s great whenever I have you in one of my classes because you add a little touch of brightness to every room you enter. 103. Zoe Lindgren: I don’t know you too well but I love your hair. Oh my god. 104. Rian Zetzer: You. Are. So. ADORABLE! You always made my day every day in choir last year when we sat next to each other and I wish we had a class together this year. You were always smiling and cracking jokes and doing silly actions in choir it’s fantastic. And your sense of style is awesome. So cute. 105. Mariclaire Bozarth: You gorgeous girl we should talk more. We haven’t talked in a while but when we did you were funny and sassy :) and I love your clothes. And shoes. 106. Christine Rogers: We haven’t talked in ages but you used to be one of the nice girls that I got to sit next to in one of my classes. 107. Lester Suci: You are a super funny, wacky, chill guy. I love talking to you it always makes me smile. 108. Tyler Trenary: I have never known you that well but we sat together in science once and you were one of the funniest deskmates ever. 109. Willy Totten: I haven’t talked to you in ages but you’ve always been a really great guy. And constantly in need of a haircut. 110. Mckenzie Sterzick: I have only ever talked to you in Drivers Ed but those were good times and I think we should talk more. 111. Demian Dlakic: I talked to you in AP Bio all the time and it was great. You always made me laugh and you’re really smart. Just in general you’re a good guy. 112. Walker Roy: Somehow you always make me giggle whenever I talk to you. We’ve had a couple classes together in high school and you always made them more fun. 113. Jasmin Gervin: I don’t know you too well because I met you at the beginning of this year but you’re always so nice and bright plus you’re so beautiful. 114. Kendall Josten: Weve never talked very much but you always impressed me by sticking to your morals through all the silliness of high school and… I don’t know, just sticking by what you believe no matter what anyone else says. 115: Michaela Kollin: How do you walk so fast while reading one book and carrying ten more?? It’s perplexing, and impressive. I trip when there’s nothing to trip over so you’re really coordinated compared to me. Plus youre really nice :) 116. Molly Hamilton: I don’t know you too well but I’ve heard you talking about how much practice you do for the swim team and I’m just super impressed by your diligence and commitment. 117. Bella Klooster: You’re so pretty. And you’re sassy and funny and I love your laugh. I loved having classes with you last year. 118. Hans Swenson: You are one of the people that I look forward to seeing every day. We don’t sit next to each other anymore so that’s kinda sad but you are still awesome. You’re hilarious and super smart and I love talking to you. :) 119. Amber Clements: I don’t know if I’ve ever said more than two words to you but you’re gorgeous. 120. Jamie Des Enfants: You’re on my strong girls list. Plus, you’re funny, the perfect amount of awkward, and really smart. I wish we still hung out. 121. Iain Page: I have hardly ever met your equal when it comes to weirdness, humor, and just overall awesomeness. You are fabulous. 122. Willem Vanderwende: Oh my god I haven’t seen you in forever and you matured! I thought it might never happen :P but you grew up into a really attractive guy. 123. Rylan Barton: You have always been this amazing teddy bear of a guy always good for a hug. You always say something nice to me or say hi when I see you. 124. Laurel Ottey: You’re one of the nicest girls around, and your smile is magic. Truly. 125. Hank Daniels: You’ve always been a really funny, sarcastic, intelligent guy. I’m glad you stayed that way. 126. Sierra Craig: Fiery. You’re one fiery girl. 127. Cassie Moore: I have always admired your singing voice and your confidence. You have never seemed afraid to get up and belt it, which I could never do in front of people. 128. Aurora Andersen: Hey man! You are awesome. I really love talking to you every day and you can always make me smile and you’re really smart and pretty. You are really great to have as a friend :) thanks for that. 129. Kim Udall: You’re so adorable. And your voice is heavenly. On top of that you’re beautiful. 130. Hannah Busby: You are so pretty. Holy cow. Your voice is so amazing, I could just listen to you sing forever. I admire your confidence. 131. Jackie Wolf: Speaking of cheerful, beautiful, funny, amazing singers, you are their queen. 132. Sarah Click: You have the greatest style. You’re super nice and you have an awesome singing voice. Fantastic. 133. Ali Adams: I hardly know you, but you’re beautiful and your singing is fabulous. 134. Connor Tweet: No compliment compilation would be complete without mentioning you. Talented, attractive, funny, all the good things. 135. Trinity Kawalski: You’re the nicest, happiest person EVER. You are just a good person, I love how you want the best for literally every person in the world and I think you have amazing things in your future. 136. Mariah Hellebrandt: I haven’t known you very long, but you’re always really happy, nice and smiling. And beautiful. You make me laugh every day and I’m going to be really sad when the semester’s over and we don’t have that class anymore. 137. Ginny Maddock: You’re so funny and nice. You’re outrageously beautiful and your voice is amazing. I can’t wait for the musical. And I have to say, you have one of the most amazing bodies I have ever seen. 138. Nate Warwood: We used to have a class together and it was great talking to you and laughing with you I wish we still talked. 139. Greg Collins: You are so funny and smooth. I love talking to you because you always make me laugh. 140. Devon Alm: Every time I see you in musical rehearsal you are always giving it your all and that’s admirable. 141. Arlen Guest: You are a really good singer and you do whatever you want no matter what everyone else thinks. I’m sure I’ll think of ten more people in five minutes but for now that’s good. Have a great day! :D
Posted on: Fri, 25 Oct 2013 02:05:57 +0000

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