I’m in Germany, and thinking about how beautiful some of the old - TopicsExpress


I’m in Germany, and thinking about how beautiful some of the old German Christmas carols are. The ones I love aren’t about Santa and fake jolliness, but about the mystery of the birth of light in the midst of darkness. I want to share with you a video of a song recorded in Freiburg, a town I love dearly. - You can see the video on my blog: jalajabonheim/blog/post.php?s=2014-12-24-carrying-the-light-under-our-heart&preview=all#sthash.tAOJCHVF.dpuf In old times, they said that a woman carried the baby “under her heart.” So the song says that Mary was walking through a forest of thorns which hadn’t born leaves in seven years. And under her heart, she was carrying a child free from pain. But when Mary walked through that forest, roses blossomed on all the thorn trees. It’s an image that speaks to me on so many levels. I do feel that we are all pregnant with light, with the sacred, with something mysterious and new. And sometimes life really does feel like a forest of thorns. Seven years! It can last a long, long time. Until suddenly, some grace comes over us and everything bursts into blossom and we are speechless before the beauty of what we see. Wishing you a safe passage from the darkness into the light, and may all your thorns turn into roses!
Posted on: Wed, 24 Dec 2014 17:59:29 +0000

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