I’m not a big believer in petitions or submissions, simply - TopicsExpress


I’m not a big believer in petitions or submissions, simply because I’ve heard from so many insiders as to how they are treated by Government agencies. That is, straight into the round file. For a classic example, check this out. The NSW Fisheries Scientific Committee is planning to reclassify gemfish as a threatened species – in the face of all observed evidence, that their numbers are increasing dramatically. I wrote to the Head of that Committee last week asking whether any members had actually been to Browns. Response received yesterday is below. This proves they don’t even read e-mails, let alone answer them. Sending a Freedom of Information request to the Committee tomorrow and will keep readers posted. I will predict now that they will drag the chain, delay response as long as possible, supply an inadequate response and generally be completely unco-operative. Which is fine with me because I will document it all and then go straight to the Ombudsman – as I have previously: +++++++++++++++++++++++ Dear Mr Hestelow, Thank you for your email regarding the Fisheries Scientific Committees proposed determination to list the Gemfish as a vulnerable species. The Committee appreciates your feedback and the concerns raised in your submission will be taken into consideration prior to making a final determination. Regards, Maryrose -- Executive Officer | Fisheries Scientific Committee Established under Part 7A of the Fisheries Management Act 1994 c/- NSW Department of Primary Industries PO Box 1305 CROWS NEST NSW 1585 E: [email protected] W: fsc.nsw.gov.au On 12 May 2014 19:48, wrote: Dr Jane Williamson Chairperson NSW Fisheries Scientific Committee Dear Dr Williamson, Thinking about the Committee’s determination that gemfish are facing ‘a high risk of extinction in NSW in the medium-term future’, and your intent to list them as a threatened species. That plan has generated strong concern in the Sydney deepwater fishing fraternity, because the overwhelming consensus amongst those fishing for them is that gemfish on the deepwater reefs are growing in size and number every year. That’s easily determined, because sounder screen shots show a band of them 150m thick at Browns Mountain off Sydney during winter, and bites and hook-ups are registered the instant bait reaches that zone. Plus the growth in the size of fish caught each season is easily determined by anyone - like myself - who has been out on the grounds regularly for several years. Which raises the obvious question. Who on the Committee has been to Browns Mountain recently and observed firsthand the exponential growth in numbers and size of gemfish? I’m assuming a decision so at odds with reality would not be made on second hand evidence alone. Grateful for any response you might care to share. But if a Freedom of Information request is necessary please let me know that too.
Posted on: Wed, 21 May 2014 02:37:38 +0000

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