“I’m not afraid of death. I’m afraid of living under - TopicsExpress


“I’m not afraid of death. I’m afraid of living under tyranny,” Las Vegas shooter Jerad Miller told Al Jazeera just weeks before the shooting *** Chan recalled meeting Miller in the morning on the road up to Cliven Bundys Bunkerville ranch before breakfast on April 16. Miller was coming off overnight guard duty. He carried what she called a beat-up AK-47 and 9 millimeter Smith & Wesson. Most militia volunteers did not want to speak on camera, but Miller was friendly, and Chan spent the better part of the morning with him. He told Chan he believed that the countrys law enforcement had become far too militarized and weaponized and that citizens had to exercise their Second Amendment rights in order to protect themselves against a federal government that he believed had run amok. ..... Amanda Miller -- his 25-year-old wife who police believe joined her husband in the Las Vegas ambush and then shot first him, and then herself -- arrived later in the morning. I remember the care with which Jerad Miller got her breakfast and served her. After her meal, he also took her plate away, Chan said. They seemed to have a loving and caring relationship, at least in the brief time in which we observed them. ..... In the interview, Miller told Chan, We want our rights back. We want to restore our republic. We don’t want to overthrow the government. We just want the government to be under control. People like me have known they’ve been spying on us for a long time. We didn’t exactly know to the extent. “I’m not afraid of death. I’m afraid of being a slave. I’m afraid of living under tyranny.” (Al Jazeera. With reporting from Melissa Chan) ***
Posted on: Thu, 19 Jun 2014 14:50:16 +0000

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