I’m sharing this excellent letter well worth your time to read - TopicsExpress


I’m sharing this excellent letter well worth your time to read and remember for the time when you may need it. From Clayton Weaver – 091413 I wrote the following quite some time ago to a liberal who was trashing the Tea Party, this is part of what I sent him: Conservatives believe in the dignity of the individual; that we as human beings have the right to live, live freely, and pursue that which motivates, us not because man or some government official directs us. We all have God given natural rights, our rights are not given to us from man they are given to us by God. Conservatives believe as our founders before us, that the greatest threat to liberty is an all-powerful central government. We revere our countries Constitution and insist on strict adherence to the laws within it. Our Constitution is the contract between the people of the states and the federal government; we created the federal government not the other way around, it is our creature. A government that operates outside our countries Constitution is a dangerous government and eventually will lead us to oppression and tyranny. One of the founding bedrock principles of America was the idea of offering its citizens the opportunity of individualism and the ability to lead self-sufficient lives, freedom from the tyranny of a dictator or big government. The smallest minority is the individual and individualism and self reliance is what this county once was – we do not have to look very far and see what a command and control government looks like (China Soviet Union..) but unfortunately the Liberal Democrats in this country want exactly that! This county is not great because of its government control over every person’s life; it is great because of individualism and self – responsibility, individual people work for their own self interest and by doing they help the civil society. The States gave birth to the Federal Government – communities gave birth to the States. Our countries Founders intended the local governments take care of their communities/states period. The Federal Government (all three branches of government) has very restricted enumerated powers, negative rights. Our Constitution was designed to be changed by amendments not congressional or judicial fiat! Congress passes extra Constitutional laws and Activist judges are changing law rather than interpreting law. The activist judges substitute their will for the judgment of deliberative bodies; they see their role as doing justice or righting wrongs when in fact they’re doing neither. There are judges on the SCOTUS right this very moment believe in using foreign law as they deliberate on cases before them. Federalism is in grave danger at this moment in time, we may not leave our children the opportunity we have enjoyed. Clayton Weavers Conservative Warriors
Posted on: Sat, 14 Sep 2013 22:31:12 +0000

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