I’m sure most of you can relate to the experience of having a - TopicsExpress


I’m sure most of you can relate to the experience of having a dream, knowing it was from God and unraveling its meaning. This is a record of a dream and subsequent God encounters I’ve had in the last couple of months. My Dream: I was in a muddy forest on the banks a river. I was searching for something and was on my hands and knees in the wet muck. As I was looking I was feeling frustrated. Frustrated with the mud and the search. Suddenly I was in the river but at the same time I was being fitted up, I was under water but still breathing normally. There was no fear or panic it felt perfectly normal. As soon as I became used to breathing under water I was lifted up above the river, but now I was in a bubble. Still under water but high over a different river bank. This new place was warm, dry and very green. As I hovered inside the bubble I saw two men on the bank looking at the water. One was an angel I’ve seen before in my home but I didn’t recognize the other man. I did however know that he held something for me that was important and valuable. When I woke up as I was praying about the dream I came to understand that the second man was someone who lived long ago. And that he carried deeper levels of revelation which were for me if I went after it. He had an anointing that was never completed, he had finished his part, but there was more to be had and it was mine for the taking. About a week later during lunch with Michael Danforth he talked about our ability to return to these places of God encounters. Using our sanctified imagination under the guidance of Holy Spirit we could continue in them and learn more. Later that day when I had a chance I returned to the riverbank without the bubble and stood with the two men. I learned the man I didn’t recognize was John the Beloved. He is the “One that Jesus loved”. He is the man who wrote the Gospel of John, the Letters and Revelation of Jesus. He leaned on Jesus’ breast at the Last Supper. He is the Apostle of Love, and Intimacy. My next encounter happened a couple of days later as I was resting one afternoon. I was falling asleep and intentionally going back to that place on the riverbank. This time I saw Johns face, his clothes, his beard, but not his eyes. This all happened right before I fell asleep, then as I was waking up I could see a vortex directly above me. The vortex was slowly turning and returning to heaven as I watched it. Then I was fully awake. When woke up I knew I had received an upgrade in my spiritual receptors. I also knew the key to walking out this upgrade is intimacy with Jesus. I’m learning to lean on His breast. Tonight I saw John’s eyes, they are green, and he saw me. I saw his smile and when our eyes met he said “I see you”, like in Avatar. Then as I was drawn into his eyes I was moving down a long living tube called the Way to the Heart of Love. This is the Heart of Jesus that transformed a fisherman into the Apostle that Jesus loved. Later Papa showed me that the tube was actually the Aorta that pumps life giving blood from Jesus heart to His body. I was in the aorta and swimming upstream into the center of His Heart. From Glory to Glory Here are the things I have learned from these encounters so far: Lesson One: I see the key to revelation is intimacy, leaning on Jesus breast. Feeling His breath, hearing His heartbeat, and hearing his laugh from the inside of His being. But it isn’t about going after revelation rather it’s about going after Jesus. Lesson Two: John the Apostle is not any kind of spirit guide, nor am I consulting with the dead. He is a testimony of Intimacy, Revelation, Love and willingness to love Jesus’ life over my own. Lesson Three: This is an example of the Cloud of Witnesses [Heb. 12:1]. Those who have gone before us and fulfilled their destiny. Their pieces of grace are being expanded and sent into the earth so the next level of Kingdom revelation can be discovered at the appropriate time. To everything there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven: Ecc. 3:1 Further on; the Breaking The next piece of this journey is the process of Jesus restoring my heart. Being broken is never one of my favorite events, but it is a necessary part of growing in the Spirit. Even the most amazing revelations can come from a person of bad character. Anointing doesn’t mean integrity. But agreeing with Papa and freely allowing Him total access to your heart is the beginning of wisdom. The formula for the anointing oil used by the Old Testament priesthood to consecrate the Tabernacle and vessels of worship [Ex. 30:23] included myrrh. One of the meanings of this word is bitter. The harvesting of this resin involves wounding the tree it comes from and capturing the sap. Which when mixed with wine can be used for medicinal purposes. Jesus, the Branch, was wounded for our transgressions and bruised for our iniquities. His blood cleanses our sin. Brokenness in the spirit is just like that, when we share in Jesus suffering His wounding heals the hard places of our heart. And when we are broken by our loving heavenly Father we allow Him to bring life to dead things and water to dry places. He restores our soul. The process of Brokenness also means dealing head on with heart issues that we would much rather ignore and keep hidden. So as I was leaning on Jesus’ breast he said “Do you trust me?” “Yes”. “Good, before we can go farther there are some things we need to bring into a better order” “Ulp….OK.” “The reason you keep landing in this place of bitterness is because of jealousy. The reason you feel jealous is because you don’t value who I made you to be. I have given you the gift of music for fun, not as your purpose or your identity. I make your playing alive and have shown you how to bring life to sleeping places with it, but you have become self-focused and possessive over it”. Kindly and lovingly He brought me face to face with my heart issues then He presented me with a choice, I could continue in the mud of jealousy or I could exchange what little I had for all that He had. Let me think about it, dung for diamonds. OK I’m in. The choice was to choosing intimacy over being right. So I opened my heart and said yes. Later that week I was attending a conference and during worship I kept asking Papa to explode my heart because it wasn’t big enough to handle the changes. The next day a friend said that he kept watching me the night before and he heard God say that he was breaking me! Bingo! My friend had seen exactly what was happening. This process isn’t completed in me, but it has well begun. I know there will be other opportunities to receive correction from the Lover of my soul. And though I can’t say I look forward to them I am ok with the process because I love Jesus more. The goal is a deeper and more personal relationship with Papa God. Leaning on Jesus’ breast. It’s knowing His Heart and learning His ways, it is living open eyed to His movements in my life. The result is Joy and Peace and a Prosperous soul. Say Yes to Papa Pastor Mark
Posted on: Mon, 07 Jul 2014 13:44:31 +0000

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