I’ve been praying a lot lately. I don’t mean in a on my knees - TopicsExpress


I’ve been praying a lot lately. I don’t mean in a on my knees whispering to an imagined man in the sky with a white beard far far away kind of way. I mean really acknowledging the presence which I first became conscious of aged 19, which I’ve only intermittently really paid any attention to, because of my conditioned atheism and the skepticism of almost everyone I knew and was surrounded by, even in the predominant culture, about God existing at all. All this raging against people for going along with the majority view and denying something sacred and important, yet here I am faced with the fact I’ve been doing the exact same thing. Now I can see my reaction against God, denial of God, the reason its taken me this long to finally turn and just fully acknowledge the presence of God, was due in great part to my conditioning! I’ve really only just begun to even let God in even slightly, in precious moments, but they are more and more frequent throughout the day. Then last night I was watching this video about Illuminati symbolism in the mainstream media and as I watched the horror story of Satan embodied in his worshippers and puppet followers on stage, guiding the minds of the children of the world.... the music playing in the background chosen by the documentary filmmaker, became more and more beautiful. As I stared Satan full on in the face, for real, here on earth…or as close to Satan as his followers can manifest… singing in my ears was the most beautiful song I’d ever heard. Literally. The words were just repeating over and over. ‘Oh my God… you were always there… right beside me.’’ I felt the warm, infinite, love of God right there with me, even in all this darkness. I really can’t describe it, but the deeper this rabbit hole goes, the place Ive reached now, there really is a spiritual battle of dark and light going on and the earth is where its playing out, through human consciousness, or unconsciousness, through human choices. So I’ve been choosing to pray, to pray for God to take away the anger and the judgment. It is lessening. I think it will always be there because what is going on is so wrong. But I’ve felt so lost from the Light… not for any length of time…just suddenly, felt how long it had been since I’d been overwhelmed with loathing for the human species, till its unrelenting, taking over my whole perception all the time. That hit me too, just before I started reconnecting with God….that this is exactly what Satan would want, me to be so filled with loathing and hate and rage… Satan loves to create suffering, loves it when we suffer in the face of seeing all the suffering they create. I knew suddenly I had to will myself into the light again. Satan/evil clearly has hold over most human minds, they are establishing the literal hell on earth they intend to… and humans have seen nothing…have no clue what is coming to them and how bad its going to get. In spite of the fact I do see that, I’m going to ignore it. I’m going to focus on God instead. While I explored it awhile, I’m definitely not Christian, nor can I ever follow any religion, but because I’ve been listening to these passionate Christian truther’s talk about their experience of God, its brought me back to my own. In a way that, last night as I listened to this song over and over again, so deeply profoundly indescribably moved, as I let God in more than I ever have before, I realized suddenly that this divine presence, our home, what we all are in essence, where we come from…this force of energy is what I’ve always sought. The song is the sort of song I would once have listened to as I thought about a human lover. Last night as I let God in I fell into fits of giggles at how ridiculous it was to ever search for God in another person…and I realized THAT is what we’ve been programmed to do!!! We’ve been disconnected from the truth of who we are, where we came from and that a divine realm, that God, exists. In its place we’ve been fed lots of painful illusions encouraging us to seek what we lost in all the wrong places. As I listened, I realized I haven’t listened to music for years now. Like I don’t watch TV now or cannot ever find a film to watch. Its all too full of speciesism, but also violence and people who are cruel and abusive, whether on a petty insulting our intelligence soap opera kind of way, or all these literally Satanic themes in so many of the movies these days. Its designed to make us DISCONNECT from SPIRIT…GOD… whatever you want to call the most divine level of your own being or some other dimensional being, you ever knew. Its designed to make us stupid, depraved, foolish, lustful, greedy, evil, violent, cruel, miserable, apathetic, zombie puppets of the Illuminati evil. Its been designed this way for a long time. But one thing I do agree with Christianity about, what I sense is true too… is that the end times are coming…we are in the midst of them. I don’t believe in a hell created by God as punishment. God is Love. Love wouldn’t do that. I can’t even see really there being a hell which Satan can create. Maybe there is. Maybe there’s the polar opposite in an energetic afterlife dimension, to heaven. Maybe those souls on such a low vibration of energy they would torture and kill for pleasure on earth, till they destroyed all life on earth, will end up there as a consequence of what they did on earth to God’s creatures and their fellow man, to life itself. But I just get the feeling that all evil, all suffering, soon is just coming to an end. Everywhere in any part of this universe. Maybe the entire manifest universe is coming to an end. I don’t know how… but I just get the feeling this nightmare is going to be over, completely, forever, soon…somehow. https://youtube/watch?v=DtCJ10Dlvd0
Posted on: Tue, 27 Jan 2015 23:50:58 +0000

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