I’ve been promising to share my personal story about my battle - TopicsExpress


I’ve been promising to share my personal story about my battle against diabetes. I will try and be brief, but you need to hear all the facts. This segment is Part One. I will post it every day for a week. After that, I will post Part Two for a week. Watch for it! A number of years back, I was introduced to diabetes by a very dear friend in New Mexico named Charlie. Since this killer disease had not been a part of my family, I was totally oblivious to what it could do. But I watched my friend lose his battle with this killer disease, and it left a lasting impression on my heart. In February of 2013 I went to my family doctor – tired all the time, gaining weight like crazy and just feeling crummy. A blood test revealed DIABETES. My blood glucose A1C was 14.6. “You have to get this under control, now.” He told me. “This will kill you, or at the least it will take your eyesight!” I remembered the day they laid Charlie to rest. Digits and limbs missing and blind from diabetes, and it scared me. The diets began. Had to cut out all sugars (but there’s always fake chemical sugar) – and I did love my Blue Bell! After I had been doing everything I was supposed to do to combat this disease for 3 months, I went back to the doctor for another fasting blood test. My A1C had dropped to an astonishing 11.5 (yeah – big whoop) My doctor told me I had to do better. “EXERCISE!” he says. “Get outside and move around!” he says. “uh-huh!” I says. By this time my knees had deteriorated to the point where I struggled to get around with a walker, and I weighed 297 pounds. Exercise? Me? Yeah, right! A few weeks later, an Evangelist from Austrailia came to Celebration of Life church here in Baytown, my church home. I went up for prayer after service one night, he asked me if I was in pain right then, and I responded, “Everyday, all day!” The Evangelist, Nigel McNeill, laid his hands on me and prayed an anointed prayer and God healed my knees. I haven’t used my walker since. Thank God! But it doesn’t stop there. Sometimes, God grants miracles, and sometimes He grants common sense to teach us.
Posted on: Tue, 12 Nov 2013 18:42:51 +0000

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