I’ve been running and or playing #SavageWorlds for the past 3 - TopicsExpress


I’ve been running and or playing #SavageWorlds for the past 3 years. We are taking a break and moving on to play some other systems for now. I’m sure we’ll get back to Savage Worlds at some point because it’s a really good system. That being said, one of the coolest aspects of that system IMHO is the “Interludes”. I’ve always enjoyed using them. So it should come as no surprise that I’m taking them with me to other games I’ll be running. What I’ve done however is tweak how they work just a bit. Instead of just dealing the cards and everyone trying to adlib an RP scene I’m trying to make them flow a little more naturally into whatever story is going on at the time. Below are the rules for how I’ll be doing it… if anyone else wants to give it a shot as well, please feel free. (1st off I used “Themed Playing Cards” like Star Wars for a Star Wars game, Cthulhu for a Cthulhu game and so on. However any deck of playing cards with 2 jokers will work just fine.) • At the beginning of each game session I’ll deal one card to each player. • Like in Savage Worlds it is really just the suit that matters here. Each cards suit will determine what “Theme” the Role-Play should be. • Each player then has the option of, at any point during the session that they wish and feel appropriate, of interjecting a story into the session based on the card they have. This allows them to work their role-play in as it feels natural to what happens to be going on in the game at the time. • It also helps in the fact that if a player doesn’t want to do an Interlude or just can’t seem to find a place to work a little something extra in… well they don’t have to. • For those that do choose to use their card and do an interlude during the session, there will be a reward for doing so. The reward however will be based on what system is being run at the time. (See Below) Each story is based on the suit of the card and the “Suit Themes” are as follows… • CLUBS: A story based around a combat victory or failure that your character was involved in in the past. • DIAMONDS: A story based around an item of great value that was gained or lost by your character in the past. • HEARTS: A story based around the loss of someone your character loved or hated in the past. • SPADES: A story based around an act of heroism/villainy that your character was affected by at some point in their past. • JOKER: The player is free to choose any theme from above just as if they had drawn that card. As an added bonus drawing the JOKER grants that character 1 free reroll of any die roll that session. Each player that decides to work an interlude into the session will receive an extra reward at the end of the session. The following is how I do it but feel free to change it as needed to fit your groups play style. • Savage Worlds = +1 Bonus XP • Dragon Age RPG = + 200 Bonus XP • Pathfinder • Pathfinder RPG = + 200 Bonus XP • Call of Cthulhu = Player picks one of the skills they have a chance of leveling up that session and they will auto level it up gaining a +10% in that skill without having to roll. • Star Wars (FFG) = + 15 XP As a GM it will be up to you to decide how to best reward players based on what system you are running.
Posted on: Fri, 28 Mar 2014 19:24:03 +0000

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