I’ve never expected to fall in love with Yoga. In any case, - TopicsExpress


I’ve never expected to fall in love with Yoga. In any case, referring to it as “falling in love” is gross inaccuracy, as it suggests that I was swept off my feet swiftly and helplessly. In reality, the process was a slow germination, inexorably coming to fruition. My first brush with Yoga was thanks to self-coercion, nearly 3 years ago at a weekly class that was ongoing at work. As a rock climber, I noticed that I’d reached a glass ceiling due to insufficient joint mobility and muscle flexibility to progress in the sport. Make no mistake about it - I have lived my whole life being known variously as “stiff” and “tight”, and a multitude of descriptions one might use on a log. Resolved to make more of a tangible difference, a year ago I started attending 2 classes a week, and eventually, upped it to daily classes in the last 3 months. That slow germination was happening inside, unbeknownst to me. What began as merely a workout, an impetus to make myself stretch more, eventually came to hold a much deeper meaning for me. As a result of a regular Asanas practice, I have more focus and calm on the mat. Gradually, this effect spilled over to the hours bracketing my practice. And it changed the way I saw myself, the world and everyone around me. I think when you’ve experienced a good thing, you know life can only be better with it. That’s when I wanted to find more ways to incorporate Yoga teachings and philosophy into my way of life, and be well-equipped to share that knowledge with others. Well, basically, #yogaeverydamnday :) Now, having just completed week 2 of my 200 hr YTT at Tirisula Yoga, I must say it’s one of the best decisions I’ve ever made. I’m humbled and motivated daily by my fellow course mates, and so very grateful for the expertise and teachings that both Master Paalu and Satya continually impart. I’ve come a long way from simply wanting to be flexible, and have such a long way more to go, much further beyond the remaining 4 weeks in training. But hey, it’s not about the end product (which is in an ever-elusive future) but the journey instead. Let’s live in the now and breathe like you mean it (in Ujjayi, so we can all hear it)! Namaste. Peishan Cheng 200 Hr TTC Weekday (March 2014)
Posted on: Sat, 15 Mar 2014 09:18:09 +0000

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