I’ve read several posts lately about how those who eat flesh - TopicsExpress


I’ve read several posts lately about how those who eat flesh should be a focus for the vegan message. I disagree. The focus for the vegan message - if we must pick and choose - should be those who already care deeply about other beings but have not yet made the connection. Earlier today, I shared a post about ‘the tipping point’ which describes how an idea will become a mainstream topic if 10% of the population supports it. To reach that 10% we should focus on those who are already challenging the tired old myths that we were taught as children. People like I used to be – and possibly you were too. People who love cats and dogs, who rescue animals, who are vegetarian for ethical reasons, who sign petitions and despair over cruel treatment of the helpless and vulnerable. Because they are looking for something and they are trying hard to do what’s right. The majority either dont know or refuse to believe the horrors of the dairy and egg industries, are still accepting the welfare hype. We need to reach out, because amongst them will be many who just don’t know that the answer they are seeking is veganism. And it really IS the answer that all of us are looking for. If we care about treating others ‘humanely’ then we need to realise that there is no way to exploit and kill that can EVER be called humane. Signing petitions and supporting single issues achieves very little. Veganism is the moral baseline – it’s the very least we can do to respect those who share our planet. Lets share that thought and aim for the 10%.
Posted on: Sat, 02 Nov 2013 20:41:15 +0000

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