I’ve served here in the Capitol for 14 years now. I’ve been - TopicsExpress


I’ve served here in the Capitol for 14 years now. I’ve been the Democratic Leader here in the Senate for the past 4. I’ve fought a lot of battles. I’ve spoken up for what I thought was right. I’ve honestly worked as hard as I could, day in and day out, to be an advocate for the people who feel their voices need to be heard inside this chamber. But then, in one fell swoop yesterday, I saw the new ad being run by Republicans in support of Governor Rick Snyder that reminded me that despite what I thought I had accomplished, and what millions of women across Michigan have accomplished, Republicans still just look at us and see one thing: woman. And as a woman, I must be the same as every woman. That everything else is just an act. That, as a woman, I couldn’t REALLY care about any of that stuff. After all, according to this ad, there are pretty dresses I could be looking at! Wedding dresses even! And how what ultimately must drive me as a woman doesn’t have anything to do with the issues that actually impact me and millions of other mothers, wives and daughters throughout Michigan, it’s only my insatiable desire to find the right dress for me. There’s no longer any excuses. There’s no longer any doubt. These are the beliefs of the Republican Party. This ad would have never seen the light of day if they weren’t. And it isn’t funny. It isn’t cute. It isn’t satire. But it is offensive. And worse, it is dangerous. It so poorly attempts to tell young women that so WHAT if Republican men passed a law that tells raped women they don’t deserve health care access? Who needs it?! Insurance is so complicated anyway and we should just trust that you guys sitting on the other side of the aisle know what’s best for our bodies. Certainly better than our lady doctors anyway. And equal pay? Why worry ourselves about that? Their own Senate candidate Terri Lynn Land said we women are more interested in flexibility than pay, right? Why would I be concerned about my daughters starting their careers on equal footing when people like her apparently believe they should be focused on finding the right man to provide for them anyway? And don’t even get me started on issues like child care, or rising college tuition, or the state of our schools. Sure, those things directly impact my daughters, and millions of kids around the state, but hey ladies, pretty dresses, right guys? The Republicans actions that go so directly against what’s best for women, our health and our futures deserve every bit of scorn and outrage that they’ve received, but the fact that they so clearly still don’t even understand WHY their actions have offended so many is even worse. This is 2014, not 1914. These attitudes are as outdated as they are outrageous. And they must be stopped either by their own willingness to finally recognize women for who we really are, or the willingness of people like us who will make sure that those that cling on to these beliefs are no longer representing us here inside this Capitol. I’m tired of the excuses. I’m tired of the apologies. And I’m tired of having to tell my daughters why the people I have to go to work with so often treat women like second class citizens. For Governor Snyder to have this type of message out there with his name on it is disgraceful, but I doubt he even understands that at this point. Or maybe he just doesn’t care. But women DO care. And women WILL vote. And I can promise Governor Snyder that Vera Wang is not going to be on the ballot this year.
Posted on: Thu, 02 Oct 2014 23:00:00 +0000

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