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J Dawn Jones Hannah Lingo Andrew Harrison Tyree Richardson Viviana Carolina Chavez Adam Dragneel Charles Thomas Charlie-kun Otaku King Realms Unite!! Chapter 5 Journey to Earth By: Jeremy Cleek Chapter 5 Earth The first thing Nightshade noticed when he entered the Ki Realm was the water. As soon as he left the portal he landed in the sea. “Gah!! It’s so salty!!” Nightshade yelled spitting water out of his mouth and splashing about. Galaxy appeared above Nightshade and pulled him out of the water, “Thankfully in my realm nothing is expected so you have no limit to surprises in this realm. All of your abilities are welcome. Don’t over use your Zodiac style however; it will not recharge in this realm since it focuses mainly on Ki. Find Basil the sayain he is your Ki counterpart in this realm; however I doubt you will reach him right away,” he said. Nightshade sighed, “You know that’s what everyone keeps saying but for some reason they find me pretty damn quick. So why don’t you just teleport me to him!” he yelled. Galaxies face hardened and he punched Nightshade in the stomach, “Don’t you think I would have done that if I could’ve?! Your counterpart is nowhere to be found even with my powers!!” he yelled. Nightshade coughed and clutched at his stomach, “Okay okay I get the point,” he choked while trying to stand up straight. Galaxy sighed, “There is a martial arts tournament starting today two islands over. There you will find Goku and the rest of the good hearted warriors in this realm. If Roark should be there do not fight him directly. They’re a numerous amount of beings here that he could recruit, be wary and farewell…” he said disappearing. Nightshade sighed, “Of course… Fighting is the last thing I wanted to cause in yet another realm…” he said flying off towards the island Galaxy had pointed out. Nightshade saw numerous amounts of people on the docks and landed behind a large yacht. There were lizard men, sumo rustlers, and a whole variety of other fighters. “I see why it’s such a big thing here for fighting heheheh,” Nightshade said walking out into the open. Then Nightshade noticed his attire was black and dark green and his swords were missing as well, “Yeah no limits…” he mumbled looking up. People were lining up and signing papers so Nightshade followed suit, “Name please,” the man at the desk said. Nightshade wrote down his name but the man’s face cringed, “Your real name please!” he said. Nightshade’s face reddened but he knew better to lash out so he obeyed, “Revan Arrow… I knew you had a different name. Carry on then,” the man said waving Nightshade forward. (Nightshade will be known as Revan throughout the next two chapters) Revan followed the other fighters who were lining up to a punching bag. A man with a big afro at the front of the line was shouting with enthusiasm, “Ain’t none of you chumps gonna beat the world champion! None of you! But let’s see what you’ve losers have got against the champ!!” he yelled. Revan scowled, *I really want to punch this guy,* he thought darkly. The afro man hit the punching bag and his punch was 165, “Yea!!! Let’s see you punch as hard as that chumps!” he yelled. The man next to him wrote down the score, “Champion Hercule please continue forward and watch,” he said. Hercule nodded and walked off to the side and continued to watch as others achieved power punch’s under the 160’s. Then a man with spikey black hair and orange clothing walked up and punched the machine ever so slightly and very fast. *Ding!* the machine’s numbers spun about and the numbers 265 appeared. Revan’s eyes widened. Then a green elf eared man walked up and got a 245. A man in blue walked up and also got 265. A man with sunglasses and a bandana and green clothing punched the machine and got a 235. Revan smiled, “Looks like I’ve found the warriors,” he said chuckling. Finally Revan walked up to the machine and looked at the people behind him. Only twelve people remained and Revan noticed one of the men dressed in black and red clothing with piercing red eyes, *Oh great,* Revan thought as he punched the machine in frustration. The machine began to smoke and 345 appeared on the screen and everyone stood back in confusion, “Uh sir would you mind punching the machine one more time? There might be a slight problem with the machine’s power meter heheheh,” the technician said. Revan scowled and looked at the machine with disgust and punched it really hard causing it to explode on impact. The technician yelled in surprise and let Revan pass, “Damn machines,” Revan said walking away fuming. Goku and Gohan watched the man in black and green walk away with curious glances, “Dad did you see that?” Gohan asked. Goku smiled, “Looks like we’re gonna have some fun this tournament Gohan heheheh,” he said leaning up against a wall. Vegeta walked up and scowled at Goku, “Kakarot you can’t be serious in wanting to fight that pip squeak are you? You still owe me a match from the last tournament!” he said. Goku laughed, “You’ll get your match Vegeta don’t worry about it,” Goku he said. Goku walked away and headed towards the mysterious warrior, “Hi there name’s Goku friend what’s yours?” he asked. Revan turned and smiled, “So you’re the legendary Goku heheheh my name’s Revan Arrow but where I come from everyone calls me Nightshade. You have quite the reputation around these parts,” he said. Goku laughed scratching the back of his head, “I wouldn’t put it that way heheheh. I’m just in this for the fun,” he said. Revan chuckled, “Don’t be so modest I know it was you who defeated Frieza and Majin Buu. You’re a much better fighter and role model for the people of the universe than loud mouth Hercule,” he said. Goku and Revan both laughed, “So is that all you’re here for? Just to challenge me?” Goku asked. Revan’s eyes flared to life with a brilliant blue aura and bringing up his hands to form a barrier to hide the two from view, “Allow me to formally introduce myself… I am known as Revan Arrow Sentient Lord of the Zodiac Realm. I have come to you in a time of great danger. A former sentient lord known as Roark Lindrake has risen from his dark bindings set upon him many years ago and has come to take control of the realms,” he said. Goku nodded as if nothing seemed out of place. Revan took a deep breath and sighed running his forehead, “There are seven realms known at this present time… 1. Zodiac 2. Ki 3. Force 4. Magic 5. Harmony 6. Chakra 7. Shadow Within each realm excluding the shadow realm holds a set of hero’s. As of right now the universe has decided you are the hero of this designated realm,” he said. Goku scratched his head quizzically, “Umm which realm are we in? This is kind of confusing,” he said. Revan scowled, “Your realm Goku is the Ki Realm. In your realm I also have to find my counterpart… I doubt you’ve heard of him but his name is Basil Lingrad. He’s a sayain like you only weaker. As far as I know certain people of the realms have separate forms in other realms. My quest is to unite the heroes of the realms and have us converge on Roark’s Realm while joining together with my other forms,” Revan said. Goku nodded noting each detail, “Sounds fun. Okay I’ll go with you, but first we need to fight in the tournament. It’s kind of a family tradition,” he said with a slight chuckle. Revan smiled and nodded, “I understand… Unfortunately Roark is also here at the tournament…” he said with a frown. Goku nodded, “I doubt he’ll do anything in the open if he knows you and I are around… Are you sure we have a shot of fighting this guy?” he asked. Revan looked away from Goku and thought deep, *I hope we do…* his thoughts echoed playing through his distant memories of duels and fight. The intercom rang loud signaling for the first combatants. Revan sighed, *This is going to be a long day…* he thought. The day went on rather fast than Revan had predicted and they were already at the final battle. Revan had fought Roark in the Semi-finals and lost due to a ring out but Revan didn’t complain. Why Roark was taking part in this tournament Revan couldn’t quite determine but he knew it must be pretty bad… Goku had willing lost to Mr. Buu due to his relationship with Hercule and sat on the side lines with Revan watching Roark fight with Buu. Buu seemed to be giving everything he had throwing punches in all directions but Roark kept up with Buu’s attacks and easily defeated him with a couple of gut punches fueled with negative energy. Goku noted this and turned towards Revan, “Negative energy flows through all evil beings throughout the realms… Roark is the centerpiece of that power and can dominate almost any being if he reaches his goal… Though what he seeks in this realm is beyond even me…” he said. Goku nodded, “I don’t like that guy… Not even one bit…” he said. Roark waited in the corridor as Hercule made his entrance onto the arena, “Oh yeah! That weird gothic elf guy is going down!!” he yelled enthusiastically. Roark walked onto the arena floor and bowed to Hercule which really caught Revan off guard. Roark spread his arms wide and motioned for Hercule to make the first move, “Rah!!” Hercule cried as he lunged forward and started hitting Roark full power in all directions. A karate kick from the left. A Hercule Power punch from below. An outrageous uppercut from the left! Hercule stepped back then noticed that Roark still held his motioning posture, “Is that all little man?” he asked. Hercule’s face grew dark red with fury as he started punching and kicking even more fiercely than before but to no good end. Roark took a deep breath and cracked his neck then turned towards the people in the stand with a dark smile, “People of the Ki Realm look at your savior and remember him for his faults and lies that he has pushed into your mind. For this is the last performance of Champion Hercule!” he said forming a shadow blast in his hand. Revan’s eye’s widened as he tried to lunge forward but Roark put up a barrier and turned to Hercule, “Farewell… “Hero,” he said as he shot a shadow lance through Hercule’s chest. Hercule cried out for a second as the lance stuck out the other side of his body then Roark pulled the lance free and threw Hercule up in the air and teleported above him. Hercule couldn’t believe what was happening but there he was and all of a sudden Roark sent out a full powered energy blast into Hercule pushing him back into the arena floor causing a massive explosion!!! The entire arena has been destroyed but left the stands and the people unscathed, “Hercule!!” Goku cried out. At the bottom of the pit lay the peoples champion. Broken and laying very still… Hercule was dead...
Posted on: Mon, 08 Dec 2014 05:21:46 +0000

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