J&K Ex CM Dr. Farooq Abdullah - Exposed by Modi... Thank U - TopicsExpress


J&K Ex CM Dr. Farooq Abdullah - Exposed by Modi... Thank U Narendra Modi for rightly blaming Farooq Abdullah for the genocide of Kashmiri Pandits. Nobody till date had the guts to say this. Modi is absolutely right, Dr. Abdullah abdicated his duty as CM in 1990 and fled to safe haven of London, leaving minorities vulnerable. 7 lac Displaced Kashmiri Pandits thank Narendra Modi for exposing Farooq Abdullahs secularism. Thank U Narendra Modi for speaking the truth about the genocide of Kashmiri Pandits by Farooq Abdullah. Instead of telling those voting for Modi to drown, Dr. Abdullah should look at himself & his family in the mirror & see how they ruined J&K. Farooq Abdullah played golf while Kashmir burnt. If anybody is modern day Nero in India it is Farooq Abdullah, most inefficient CM ever. Farooq Abdullah as CM was so useless ,he was called wazir e Disco by Kashmiris. Appeal for bogus Secularism is last resort of inefficient politician. Farooq Abdullah remained silent when Advocate Premnath Bhat was killed in Anantnag. Farooq Abdullah remained silent when posters were pasted outside our homes to leave Kashmir. Farooq Abdullah remained silent when the Wandhama massacre happened. Farooq Abdullah remained silent when hundreds of Sikhs were killed in Chhatisingh Pura, Kashmir. Farooq remained silent when the speakers of mosques were used to threaten us to leave Kashmir, leaving behind our women folk. Farooq Abdullah remained silent when Doordarshan director Lassa Koul was killed in Srinagar. Farooq Abdullah remained silent when Justice Neelkanth Ganjoo was assassinated in Srinagar. Farooq Abdullah remained silent when advocate Tika Lal Taploo was assassinated in broad daylight in Srinagar. Farooq Abdullah remained silent when nurse Sarla Ganju was hanged on a tree after her breasts cut. Farooq Abdullah - the man who co-founded JKLF to wage war against India - gives sermons to India today. Tragic Irony !!!
Posted on: Wed, 17 Dec 2014 13:46:32 +0000

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