J&K unit of BJYM petitions NHRC against demoralising security - TopicsExpress


J&K unit of BJYM petitions NHRC against demoralising security forces in Ramban Jammu & Kashmir unit of Bharatiya Janata Yuva Morch (BJYM) petitioned the National Human Rights Commission (NHRC) for taking strict action against the Central government and state government for demoralising the security forces and nationalist people in Ramban area. The petition also sought action against all those responsible for spreading rumours or levelling baseless allegations, including politicians like Prof Saifuddin Soz and those who ransacked the government property and raised anti-national slogans. The petition was filed by J&K state president of BJYM Shri Ravinder Raina on July 25. “No doubt the loss of lives and sufferings to many others is a matter of serious concern, but it is equally questionable that the State Government should go the whole hog condemning the security forces for all without going into the findings of an enquiry. It was unfortunate that certain elements from within the ruling dispensation are denouncing the security forces and stood up with secessionists and separatists. Most unfortunate and shocking decision taken by the government after this incident is that BSF post has been removed from the area and replaced by the Jammu & Kashmir Police. The nationalist section of the society living in these areas is feeling very insecure as the Army has already been withdrawn from the hilly regions of the terrorism affected areas of Jammu region,” the petition informed the NHRC. Enumerating the incident the petition said on July 18 in Dharam area of Gool in Ramban district, Sub Inspector Afzal Wani of J&K Police, who was later detained by the special investigation team on July 22, shot dead one Manzoor Ahmad Shan, a secondary school lecturer intentionally to settle personal scores. On July 18, a local Imam and one Mohammed Latif alongwith another Imam levelled false allegations that BSF patrol party shot dead Manzor Ahmed Shan, mistreated the local Imam and desecrated the Quran. He announced it on a loudspeaker from a mosque after which a crowd of around 700-800 persons gathered outside the 76 BSF battalion camp-Dharma-Gool and started stone-pelting the BSF post. They stormed the camp and tried to force their way into the arms and ammunition store. Meanwhile, someone from the mob fired at the camp in which a constable Ramhari of the force suffered a bullet injury in stomach. Latif and the Iman instigated the mob on attack the post and inflict injuries on the BSF Jawans leading to the situation where four people were killed and 44 others, including security personnel, were injured in stone-pelting and resultant firing. One BSF vehicle was badly damaged besides inflicting injuries to many BSF persons. Protesters blocked all the roads going towards the BSF post and thus force personnel remain confined to the post on that day. The estimated damage in this protest is worth crore of rupees. During the protest anti-India slogans were raised like Hindustan Murdabad, Pakistan Zindabad, Hamay Kya Chaheay, Azadi-Azadi. When some locals raised objections to the slogans, the protesters resorted stone pelting on them in which half a dozen youth got injured. Even the Minister of State for Home Sajjad Ahmed admitted that the local Imam was responsible for the mess as he levelled baseless allegations. Pradesh Congress Committee chief Prof. Saifuddin incited the people against central security forces and directly blamed the BSF for the killings to appease the Hurriyat Conference and other separatist groups. The issuance of such statements before the inquiry created communal tension in the State. —Bureau Report
Posted on: Thu, 01 Aug 2013 06:34:22 +0000

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