JACK COMPOUND RESIDENTS BOO LUBINDA OVER SELL OF COMMUNITY FOOTBALL PITCH Residents of Jack compound in Lusakas kabwata constiuency today bood area member of parliament Given Lubinda when he went to address them over a piece of land which residents are using as a community football ground which is suspected to have been sold. The residents shouted obsenties at Lubinda who tried to plead with the people that the intended ground will be developed into a modern market. some residents who opted to remain anonymous told mwaiseni media reloaded that they suspect Lubinda, in collusion with the area councillor and other pf officials to have sold the ground the a south african investor who told the residents that he wants to put up a modern supermarket to be called spar Jack. And speaking at the same meeting, UPND kabwata consitituency secretary Edmond Lifwekelo urged the area mp not to go ahead with the move before he finds an alternative place for the ground as the problem of the youths in the area of frequenting bars will be worsened as the ground is the only place which keeps youths away from social vices. Mr Lifwekelo said the ground belongs to the community and therefore the community should have the final say. Mr Lifwekelo said the UPND in kabwata constituency will go all the way to ensure that the football pitch remains the property of the community. We shall not allow the pf to be taking away recreation centres for the youth at the expense of the residents.. the pf should be serious, instead of constructing libraries and play parks for the youths, they are busy taking away the little which is there.. what nonsense is this? Asked mr Lifwekelo as the residents jeered and cheered him. Mr Lifwekelo said the UPND will engage lawyers if the worse come to the worse in order to protect what rightfully belongs to the residents. Later it was resolved that a residents consultative forum should be constituted to chart the way forward and block any move to have the football pitch taken away from them.
Posted on: Mon, 28 Jul 2014 16:46:02 +0000

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