JAINISM:Thought for the day All Jain friends are requested to - TopicsExpress


JAINISM:Thought for the day All Jain friends are requested to vote for Jainism in the website provided by Sri Manikchand in FB. After voting, you may be asked to give your comments. Brothers are welcome to Reproduce the comments comipled me.This is the second attempt by me in compiling our viewpoints as to why Jainism Is better than other religions.No offense is meant to all other existing religions, which also lead to the same goal. 1.Jainism advocates full vegetarian diets for all individuals since ages. a)Every now and then we hear about a spread of bird flu, deadly diseases from beef and mutton, deadly desieases from fish and other seafoods. The impact of these warnings may only be felt by the familieswho have lost their near and dear ones by eating any of the above. If you are vegetarian, you have nothing to fear for you and your family members. b)Vegetarianism was propagated by Jainism thousands of years back. Today, the world awareness is spreading that by 2050, there will not be enough water to grow fodder for livestocks by that time !The world will have to become vegetarian. In the US, a reported 16 million population is Veggie. Since May 2009, Belgium has the first city in the world (Ghent) with a weekly veggie day. In various European Counties also, Veggies have started growing day by day. c) There is a school of thought who believe that if you are 100% veggie and follow the jain rules of fasting once or twice ina month, you can bid farewell to your family doctor for ages.Incidentally, in Jainism, fasting means no food for the whole day and whole night.Food is available only the next morning after sunrise. 2. Some religion believe that they are superior than others and non followers are sinners or inferior and needs to be converted or supressed. From centuries these conversion drives are achieved by force or financial offerings to poor just to increase the head count and thus gain control and influence on others. This madness for gaining control over others is a prime reason for conflicts between people, society, countries. Sad part is when its done in name of religion, defeating its main purpose of providing a peaceful ambience around and inside an individual to help him/her focus b the goal to unite with the supreme power. The non violence philosophy of Jainism makes it one of the few religions which does not think others inferior or impose itself. Moreover most of its practices are more of a way of life helping an individual in maintaining health and simplicity while having compassion for all other beings 3. Jainism believes in Non Violance.. It doesnt allow harming any living creature which cant be seen by even a normal microscope! For ex, it doesnt allow drinking unfiltered water! Because it has been scientifically proved that even in a small drop of an unfiltered water, there are billions of worms which can be seen only by very powerful microscope.. It believes in the slogan LIVE AND LET LIVE . It strongly believes that same as we have a desire of living, other living creatures also have the same.. We dont have any right to kill them and eat them.. 4. I love to be Jain because I am luckiest Jeev in this world who received company of true Dev, Shastra and Guru. Jainism does not favour any superstition, but believes it works on reality. Jainism teaches to love each other instead of murdering animals and birds, eating them and enjoying their taste. Jainism is based on many facts which are proven by many scientists. We do not eat inside earth vegetable and fruit. We do not eat in Night because it has logic and fact behind it. Our Gurus does not live in luxurious ashrams. They spend there life by teaching good lessons to Society and in meditation of there soul. They even does not sit and eat luxuriously they have a separate process to follow before and during there Aahhar Charya. Jai Jinendra,Bandhuo!
Posted on: Sat, 17 Jan 2015 05:26:38 +0000

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