JAN, 2, 2015! Read if bored hehe! Thank You San Francisco! Last - TopicsExpress


JAN, 2, 2015! Read if bored hehe! Thank You San Francisco! Last night @ Club AUDIO once again reminded me of my true purpose here on earth. To GIVE of myself as best I can by making people come together to dance, smile and forget their daily troubles while hopefully taking something special home with them when the music stops in their hearts, minds, bodies & souls .... and to wake up to a great feeling the next day by subliminally still hearing and feeling some of the songs and tracks that were played that kept on making an entire room of nearly 1000 people jump and pulse together in unison - as one!! My dear friends, Music IS a such a wonderful gift and often also a great comfort from the Lord above, and it is definitely OK to thank Him for this when we meditate. :) And now .... I Wanna Thank You my dear friend Gina Milano and your entire crew @Audio! DJ Nikita, Mark Slee, DJ Rob Sperte and a very, very long list of smiling faces. The Sound Systems at both clubs - Audio-SF and also at Club SOUND, where I played on NYE in L.A. (thank you again Kobi) were both so On Point that its important for me to mention them in this New Year post because at the end of the day, what good is a night club with a poor quality sound system that patrons and punters cannot FEEL? This is an extremely important factor in what makes me feel so complete while I am working because I know the difference! So I say thank you to all the clubs that Got It Right! (You know who you are) .... ;-) Further thoughts regarding sound ..... Many songs and tracks wind up never getting played (especially the old school house and even disco) because the sound simply is not sufficient enough to make you feel it within your entire body and does not provide the proper head-room within the levels for when a DJ needs to pump it up in order to make that special impact during breakdowns and other special moments within the songs, and sometimes with the help of EQs, especially (and usually) right after a great vocal or instrumental section and where the track has either broken down, sometimes to just the kick (and the bass lol) or has built back up into its foundational groove where its not too heavy in the mid-range zone. Its in these moments a DJ that respects the sound can give a full room (and sometimes an entire building) a massive punch from preferably a 4 pointed system with double 18s in the Sub Bass bottoms and a Big Slap from the Mid Bass Cabinets (usually quad boxes stacked or floating on top of the Sub cabinets with FOUR 15 inch speakers installed, keeping in mind some brands of speakers and amps are also crucial in quality than others (we get what we pay for in life, i.e. an economy seat to Australia vs. a business class sleeper seat!... Yes kids, Ive def paid my dues! LoL) ..... And with this all proper sound components combined together it gives you a power and a force to BE reckoned with that many modern day all digital designed systems lack because the inve$tors rather install sound systems that look pretty and dont block any views.... You dont see proper stacks of speakers the way you used to because they take up too much room .... zzzzz (Its called $acrificing and compen$ating to draw more attention to the bars, dancers on boxes, platforms and stages, and also to BE more about fancy decor ...... And to BE seen while NOT dancing and posing at the VIP tables, areas) .... Many clubs that have sound systems lacking in Punch & Slap often depend on Nitro Blast, Bells, Whistles, Sirens, Foghorns and LED Screens to elevate the party to a crescendo, but this should not BE necessary or depended upon!! Sound systems that only have 2 point systems facing out towards the crowd with speakers on each side of the DJ console/stage is basically enforcing a Concert Mentality, i.e. Bringing an EDM festival / rave attitude into an intimate venue! (((WRONG))) Zzzzzz PS: Id like to add that a Dance Party is ON a dance floor, NOT inside a DJ booth or stage where the console is located, and the focus should entirely BE on Music and Sound! A decent lighting system is also important as is a lighting person that is as passionate as the DJ is to do their jobs by being able to make a room dark or bright when needed by working alongside the DJ and paying attention to the music and timing. Over the top lighting systems inside nightclubs that make you feel as if you were hanging out in Times Square or Shibuya in Tokyo that was quite possibly 3x the price of the sound system is usually never a good marriage with underground house and extended intelligent techno events .... Overall, its all about the vibe and energy that was all brought together by various groups of people and promoters to the venues with the better sound systems that all share the same passions to bring groups of like minded people together for a long night of dancing and simply having fun. Ok, just to name a few, think Vinyl, Stereo, Output, Twilo, Sound Factory, Pacha, RYZE, The Bloc, Crobar, Ministry Of Sound, Zouk, Space and many others, some are better than others and some of the best have closed forever. Sorry if Ive failed to mention some, my mind is still at Audio & Sound (what a coincidence in the names of both venues I played this NYE and Day? Maybe this is what inspired this long rant of a post? One day Ill write a book .... one day, I promise! ;-) Sooooo, for me, and I know most of you that read this far ... the less the Glitz and Glamour is always better and much more organic. The places I now favor to play between NY, Canada, West Coast, UK, Italy, Ibiza, Berlin, Amsterdam, Oz & Tel-Aviv, (and certain festivals) etc, are the ones I am focusing on returning to the most in 2015 and beyond. AND DARE I EVEN SAY NOW THAT I PLAN TO TAKE ON A FEW RESIDENCIES at some of my favorite places? Hmmmm ... ;-) I very much desire and need for it to once again feel like the way it used to ...... and basically like at that magical place (and many others) where I once learned how to do it .... In The Paradise Garage!!! ;-) .... The List and The Beat Goes ON .... HAPPY NEW YEAR! May God bless and BE with you all. Please BE happy, BE healthy and BE safe, Always! - Zio Danny. PPS: Ill BE posting updates with links and flier artwork soon with all upcoming gigs re: Cartagena on Jan 5th, The Closing of Goverment in Toronto Jan 11th, BPM Mexico at Blue Parrot Jan 17th, WMC, Coachella in April, and hopefully again at Electric Zoo & more more more.... Then the warmth returns and well you know, back home to NY and off to ((())) and beyond! >> WITH LOVE! Please share your thoughts and comments! Peace
Posted on: Sat, 03 Jan 2015 00:59:40 +0000

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