JANNIES LIST OF BANNED WORDS/PHRASES FOR COLLEGE FOOTBALL BROADCASTERS: (Unranked, in no particular order as relating to annoyance. Actual word/phrase is shown in quotes, Miss Jannies and Uncle Rogers comments are not in quotes.) 1. He just ran for a buck 73 (or whatever coinage amount). Just say he ran for 173 yards today. 2 .Hes running downhill. The field of play is flat or is slightly crowned for drainage. No significant change of elevation is encountered when advancing the ball. Therefore, the player is neither ascending or descending topographical features. 3. He just used some trickeration on that play call. Baby talk by over-the-hill ex-players trying to regain their youth through a feeble attempt to sound cool. 4. They are in the red zone now. This term was coined by George Allen when he was coaching the Redskins. When they got within 20 yards of their opponents goal line, he adapted his play calling to be more effective in a shorter playing field. If ESPN, CBS, SportSouth, etc., figures out that this phrase is associated with the politically incorrect Redskins, they would shit their respective drawers. Just say theyre threatening to score, theyre in field goal range or my favorite ...theyre inside the twenty. 5. A grown man does not sound like hes calling a football game when he uses Oh my goodness! to express excitement over a good play. Save it for your discussions at afternoon tea or your knitting circle. 6. That coach is a river boat gambler! Another feeble attempt to describe the head coach of a team that is getting their asses handed to them on a platter by their opponents when he decides to go for a first down attempt on 4th and whatever yardage. God forbid if he tries a fake punt. Does he then evolve into degenerate gambler? And dont coaches get a pink slip if they really gamble (the Vegas stuff)? 7. The momentum is on team As side now. Team B just gets a pick six, so the momentum is back on their side now. Team A runs the kickoff back for substantial yardage. The momentum is back on their side. Momentum, momentum, momentum. A robotic arm and hand equipped with a giant cork should come out of the microphone and cram it into the broadcasters mouth after the third utterance of this word. 8. The team that makes the fewest mistakes will win. No shit, Sherlock. 9. It is what it is. This banning should be enforced during all aspects of the game....before, during and after. Of course it is what it is. How can something not be what it is. Take some physics courses, nimrods. 10. THE Ohio State. Get over yourselves you over-rated, Herbstriet worshipping, Big 10 suck-ups. Youve been ordinary for years. You must still be worried over Beanie Wells toe.
Posted on: Sat, 27 Dec 2014 01:19:23 +0000

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