JANUARY 19, 2015 *Daily Horoscope-astrocenter/ Have some fun - TopicsExpress


JANUARY 19, 2015 *Daily Horoscope-astrocenter/ Have some fun today. It is time of balance off all the work you have been doing with a little bit of fun. Yesterdays honest efforts are turning into todays rewards. There is no need for you to be shy when it comes to receiving what is rightfully due to you at this time. Be proud of yourself and your accomplishments. If you cant find someone to take you out to dinner, feel free to take yourself out on your own. *Love Horoscope The current planetary aspect may find you feeling in a more thoughtful frame of mind. You are certainly not in the mood to make any promises without a lot of careful consideration. Thoughts about the future of a particular relationship may also be uppermost in your mind. While you realize just how much you have to offer each other, wait before making an irrevocable decision. *Career Horoscope You are moving into uncharted territory today. Make sure you are fully prepared. The best thing you can do right now is have full confidence in yourself. The tools in your tool belt are remarkable. Dont be afraid to use them at a moments notice. *Wellness Horoscope Keep asking yourself what health means to you, even if youve found it impossible to stick to any kind of routine lately! Asking the question an important step in doing those healthy things, because in order to commit you need understanding. For you especially, there has got to be a connection between the heart and the mind (it beats the running around in circles game!). Keep investigating where the food you eat comes from. *Rising Horoscope Your talents have certainly been in great demand lately. There have been so many calls for help that you hardly know which way to turn. Today, youre likely to put your foot down. Spend time defining your own needs instead of taking care of those of other people. If influential individuals try to dictate your conduct to you, dont listen to them! *Chinese Horoscope: Goat You can be incredibly self-sacrificing when it comes to the ones you love. If you see the good in someone who continues over and over again to prove they are a flawed human being, you may have to decide how big a part you want to play in their life.. *Numeroscope: Eleven Dont hesitate to get the ball rolling on any new programs or initiatives that youve been thinking of recently. This is a 1-Day, and when it comes to the new and untried, there is no better essence than this to give it a go. Dont let awkwardness or even shyness keep you from sharing your ideas. You have much to offer, and the only way to realize your full potential is to bring things out onto the testing ground. Have confidence in yourself, Eleven.
Posted on: Mon, 19 Jan 2015 10:20:00 +0000

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