JANUARY 24 Daily Might “First apostles” (1 Corinthians - TopicsExpress


JANUARY 24 Daily Might “First apostles” (1 Corinthians 12:28). We all want to be humble, but we don’t like to be humbled—and talking with others about our faith can be a humbling experience, especially at first. It’s like the story of the woman who said, “Oh, this just kills me!” when she was asked to go witnessing. It kills our pride, and that’s exactly what it should do. The more God can get us and our egos out of the way, the more He and His love are able to shine through. When you’re out witnessing and begin to feel self-conscious or like people are looking down at you, it helps to remember that God is proud of you and you have every reason to be proud of Him and proud to be His messenger. The Greek word that is translated “apostle” in the New Testament is apostolos, literally “somebody sent out,” and in 1 Corinthians chapter 12, where Paul lists the jobs and offices of the Church, God puts His apostles at the top of His list. “First apostles.” You may be on the bottom of some people’s list, but you’re on the top of God’s list! We’re not to be proud of ourselves, as though we are something great ourselves, but we can be proud to be servants of the Almighty God, the Most High, His faithful messengers bearing His words to the people. January 24 Daily Praises Thank You, Jesus, that You’re right by my side as I travel up the mountain of this life. As I travel the path of Your will, You’re always holding my hand. You’re always there to comfort me. You’re always there to show me the way. You’re always there as my guide, my comforter, my friend, and my constant companion. Thank You that even when I get tired and weary with the strain of everything around me and I look at the obstacles that are in the way, You comfort me and tell me of Your love. You encourage me to keep on fighting and keep on walking. Jesus, if it weren’t for You, I don’t know how I could make it. You give me the strength to carry on. You give me the will to live. When I get so weary and so tired that I can’t walk another step, You pick me up in Your arms and carry me. At times when I feel the lowest and the weakest, and I feel like I’m nothing, You hold me close and make everything all right. Thank You for Your love. Thank You for Your constant care, assurance and safekeeping. Thank You that I don’t have anything to fear. I don’t have to fear the future because I know that You’ve taken care of me this far and You will always be there for me. Help me always to stay by Your side and never go off on my own. January 24 Words From Jesus Oh, My dear one, won’t you come to Me now and look into My face? What do you see? Look closely and carefully. Do you see in My eyes condemnation and anger? No. In My eyes I have nothing but love and tenderness and forgiveness for you. In My hands that I reach out to you, do you see that I want to put upon you weights of guilt, condemnation, remorse and blame? Is this what I have in My hands for you? No! Look carefully. My hands are nail-pierced. What I have for you in My hands is forgiveness, for I have already paid the price. I have already taken upon Myself all your sins-those of the past and those of the future. I have taken your sins upon Myself. Even at this moment I remove from you the weight of blame and the remorse of guilt and condemnation. I now take this weight off your chest, and I put in its place a white dove of forgiveness. I put in its place My warm, soothing balm of love and understanding. I have put in its place the blood that I shed for you on Calvary when I gave My Own life so that you might find forgiveness, so you might find freedom and peace of mind, so you might be delivered from the burden of having to pay for your own sins. Won’t you please receive this white dove of forgiveness, and the soothing balm of My love, and the healing and cleansing power of My blood which was shed for you? Oh, won’t you see that at this very moment there is peace for you? January 24 Quote of the Day The life you live will soon be past, But the things you do for love will last.
Posted on: Sat, 24 Jan 2015 16:55:02 +0000

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