JANUARY PRAYER GUIDE JANUARY 26 – John 5:1-9. Before we get - TopicsExpress


JANUARY PRAYER GUIDE JANUARY 26 – John 5:1-9. Before we get to the problem that follows, let’s look at the healing that takes place. This area was off-limits for ‘religious folk’. It was unclean. Infected. Full of people who in the religious thought of the day were bearing the consequence of some sin of theirs or their ancestors. It was filthy (think about it – no port-a-johns in that day – and even if there were, many could not move to get there); no disinfectants, no medical staff to treat sores, injuries, infections. It stunk. It was a cesspool and a death-hole. In walks Jesus. No idea why he zeroed in on this particular guy. The whole room could have used a healing and a scouring. Both certainly within the ability of Jesus. But he goes to this one. Asks what seems on the surface a question not needing asked – except perhaps rhetorically or in some hope-stirring way – somewhat like a doctor walking in to a room with a very, very sick patient and saying – ‘how would you like to get out of here today?’ Kind of gets you thinking, if you are the one in the bed – either he has news I haven’t heard – maybe bad, maybe good; or he has a sure-fire cure we hadn’t known about before now. Either way Jesus approaches. Then he asks. Then he acts. In spite of the fact the guy never clearly says ‘sure!’ He just poses obstacles and gives explanations of why the option (of wellness, wholeness, freedom, life to the full) isn’t within his reach. But Jesus was. And he walks. Why Jesus picked this guy and not another or even why not the whole place – isn’t given us. Same mystery is with us today when it comes to Jesus making people whole in any sense of that. But there is something here to attend to – Jesus asks the critical question – ‘do you want to get well?’ I think that question is the central one to all the key redemptive and restorative acts of Jesus. ‘Do you want to get well?’ ‘Do you want to really live life?’ ‘Do you want to be great?’ ‘Do you want to see kingdom fruit?’ ‘Do you want to be saved?’ ‘Would you like to live free?’ And you’ve seen it, haven’t you? People faced with the option – friends given the opportunity – loved ones standing before the choice – and out come the reasons, excuses, justifications – etc. Which keep them sick, stuck and bound. Doesn’t make sense – this question Jesus asks, in a way. But neither do the responses we hear and sometimes give. Pray today for your own response to Jesus’ question – ‘do you want to be well?’ Anywhere you might be saying ‘sure’ but resisting or refusing the remedy – surrender, repent and let the healing come. Pray also today for folks wrestling with addictions as well as marriages and families that keep holding onto their brokenness rather than opening to the healing, restorative work of Jesus.
Posted on: Sun, 26 Jan 2014 11:00:00 +0000

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