JAVA MOCK INTERVIEW questions 1. What is JDK 2. Which is the - TopicsExpress


JAVA MOCK INTERVIEW questions 1. What is JDK 2. Which is the latest Version of Java? 3. What is the Advantage of Java? 4. Javac and Java commands are available in which folder 5. What is the signature of main method? 6. What is keyword?List some keywords 7. What is an identifier? 8. what are literals? 9. Java is Platform independent.Explain 10. What is JRE? 11. What is a Variable? 12. Mention all the primitive data types in java 13. What are primitive variables? 14. What are Reference Variables? 15. What is String in java? 16. What is a method? 17. General Syntax for a method? 18. What is Method Overloading? 19. Why Method Overloading? 20. What are members? 21. What are static members? 22. what are non static members? 23. List out the differences between static and non-static members? 24. what is an Object? 25. What is a class? 26. What are Global variables? 27. How can you access static global variable of a class? 28. How can you accesss non-static global variables of a class 29. what will be the default value for global variables? 30. What will be the default value for reference variables? 31. what is the default value for boolean variable? 32. What are the differences between local and global variable? 33. How can you declare constant variables in java? 34. can we just declare a final global variable and use it without initializing it? 35. What is an SIB? 36. When does SIBs get Executed? 37. How many times SIBs will be executed in one execution cycle? 38. What is an IIB? 39. When IIBs will be executed? 40. How many times IIBs will be executed in one execution cycle? 41. What does a methods return type signifies? 42. What is call by value and call by reference? 43. What is a constructor? 44. What are two types of constructors? 45. What is a default constructor? 46. What is this() calling statement? 47. What is Recursion? 48. Recursion while constructor overloading will result in compile time or run time error 49. What is this keyword? 50. What is instance variable hiding? 51. What is the use of this Keyword? 52. What is Inheritance? 53. What are the different types of inheritance? 54. What is extends Keyword? 55. Does Java support multiple inheritance? 56. What is Diamond Problem? 57. Why Java Doesn’t support Multiple inheritance? 58. What is super() calling statement? 59. What is super keyword? 60. What is the difference between super() calling and this() calling statement? 61. what is the differnce between super and this keyword? 62. What is Method Overriding? 63. Can we Override static methods? 64. What is an abstract method? 65. What is an abstract class? 66. Can we instantiate an abstarct class? 67. What is the rule to be followed by the sub class of an abstract class 68. Can a abstarct class inherit another abstarct class 69. Is abstract class 100% abstract? Explain 70. What is an interface? 71. What is the difference between an abstract class and interface? 72. Does abstarct class have constructors? If Yes Why? 73. Does interfaces have constructors? 74. can we instantiate an interface? 75. What is implements keyword? 76. can an interface inherit from another interface? 77. What is casting? 78. what is primitive casting? 79. What is auto Widening and Explicit Narrowing? 80. What is derived or Object casting? 81. What is Auto Upcasting and Explicit Downcasting? 82. Can we Achieve Object casting Without inheritance? 83. Can we achieve downcasting without upcasting? 84. what is polymorphism? 85. Explain differernt types of polymorphism? 86. What is abstarction? 87. What are packages? 88. Why Packages? 89. What are the different access levels in java? Explain 90. What is SingleTon class? 91. What is encapsulation? 92. Which is the supermost class for all the classes in java? 93. Explain toString() of Object class 94. Explain hashCode() of Object class 95. Explain equals() of Object class 96. Can a subclass override all these above methods? 97. What is a final method in java? 98. What is a final class in java? 99. What is the use of finalize() method in java? 100. What is the use of clone() method? 101. What is a marker interface? Explain and mention atleast two available marker interface 102. Strings are immutable in java. Justify 103. Can we have inherit the String class. Justify 104. Explain the behavior of toString(),hashCode() and equals() method of string class 105. What is a String constant pool and non-constant pool? 106. What are arrays? 107. What is a primitive array? 108. What is a derived array? 109. What is Boxing and Unboxing? 110. What are Wrapper classes? 111. What is a collection API/Framework? 112. Explain List type of collection? 113. Explain Set Type of collection? 114. Explain Queue Type of collection? 115. list out the differences between List,Set and Queue type of collections? 116. What are exceptions? 117. How to handle exception? 118. What is checked exceptions? 119. What are unchecked exceptions? 120. Differents ways of handling checked exceptions? 121. What is differece between final, finalize() and finally in java 122. How to Write the data into a text file? 123. How to read data from a text file? 124. What is the use of Scanner class in java? 125. How to read the String from the console? 126. What are Threads? 127. What is the use of sleep() method in Threads? 128. Explain wait(), notify() and notifyAll() method of Object class? 129. Can we Override wait(), notify() and notifyAll() method of Object class in the sub classes? 130. Can we develop final methods in interface? 131. can we develop a final abstract class? 132. can we develop a static method in abstarct class? 133. can we just declare a variable in interface without initializing?
Posted on: Tue, 09 Sep 2014 11:49:25 +0000

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