JAZ These words were sent to that football teams Facebook - TopicsExpress


JAZ These words were sent to that football teams Facebook page. I do not feel that I own these words. They are now anyones to use re-edit and send or refer to because nothing seems to get through to them. Probably the best thing I ever wrote and proud of it, Maybe somebody up there in the office or bleachers will read it and understand: Dear Sports Team and Sports Fans: LETS GET EDUCATED. This message in the link is important. Heres my reflection.: I recall when I was a young boy being cast into the school basement - The Retard Class - How it felt being called that. To this day I dont like that word Retard. In those days they used the word Negro not Black or African American, and they were often called the N-word (Ni**er) even to their face. And Bucky our Taxi cab driver a surviving Eastern Lenape Indian (even spoke Munsee) didnt like being called an Injun (not a good word but no way as bad as the R-Word meaning R**skin - just as bad as the word Ni**er). They used to laugh at his long grey hair and the beadwork on his jacket, his moccasins, or fancy painted bowling shoes calling him Injun. That was 1962. Here it is 2014 and non-Indian Americans think its OK to use an Insult and Racial Slur that refers to Scalps taken from American Indian people that were collected for bounty. Yes. At one point when the heads of decapitated American Natives, became too cumbersome and heavy; and, too numerous to carry to collect the reward for killing an Indian man, women or child, they came up with the idea to use Redskins called that for the color of the underside of the scalp. It does not refer to the pigment of an Indian American. It refers to a Native Americans scalp removed for purposes of genocidal eradication, for profit. And so that is what the word Redskin refers to. Even animal pelts were treated with more respect. This bounty was paid by governing bodies and private companies to drive out and steal Indian Land; and for the Indian Hunter or trapper and fur trader, it was murder for profit. Understand that R**skins will always refer to this true definition: The scalp of a dead Native American killed for profit, and it does not stop there: The noun Re**skin evolved to be used with many adjectives. Even after the massacres, they started calling living Indians Redskins as if no more than a bounty, or less than an animal to be scalped. The word was and STILL IS used in conjunction with: filthy, dirty, rotten, no good, and even worse. i KNOW i heard those words uttered by racist white Americans. So, REDSKINS refers to murdered American Indian men women and childrens scalps that were collected for bounty as part of a systematic process to eradicate Native Americans. Do you football fans understand that or am I still a retard too? Go ahead and call me a Retard but do not call my friends and family any of us Indians Redskins. And lets STOP using that word for a football team and lets stop the use of mascots and fans dressing up as Indians. Its wrong, its offensive, and it is a sign of ignorance. The R-Word Is a foul derogatory to Americans Indians (not Injuns). It is still derogatory and offensive no matter how it is used. Now to the dressing up as American Indians and Mascots for sports events: How do you think it would feel if a bunch of people who did not understand your culture, traditions, and history, started dressing up in cheap, stupid looking facsimiles of your important religious, cultural, and historic clothing? And that these costumes were used in what would appear to you as a sickening display for view by millions of people all over the world, for profit, belittling what your people have hung onto over 500 years? And that those Mascots and Sports displays represented what your grandparents were no longer allowed to wear, after foreigners came into your country, they stole your ancestral land, starved you, put you on reservation concentration camps, killed your game; THEN, by force took away your grandparents from their parents and sent them to state run boarding schools, where many of your relatives who were abused this way, died there? That in those boarding schools they were not allowed to speak their language or wear clothing associated with your culture or nationality, or religion. Taught that you arent good as an Indian, you need to be white. How do you think it feels to take these things away, then make fun of them for entertainment and profit by turning them and your hardships into a joke? Add these displays of mockery of you and your roots to the name R**skins then put a logo on it and call it an Honor to you and your history, and you are saying all that was done is OK and there is money to be made and fun to be had doing these things. That is saying it is O.K. that we massacred your people, stole your land, imprisoned you, impoverished you, and took away your languages and cultures. it was all in good fun and it is profitable. That is not even human - and it should not be permitted under the law. Read more at indiancountrytodaymedianetwork/2014/01/27/ictmn-exclusive-ncai-releases-r-word-video-ahead-super-bowl-153287
Posted on: Sat, 01 Feb 2014 04:43:25 +0000

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