JE WAANDISHI WA BIBLIA WAMENUKUU VITABU VINGINE AO WAMEZUA ? Waandishi wa Biblia wamezoea kunukuu maandiko ya vitabu vingine visivyokuwa ndani yake (Biblia). 1. Hesabu 21 : 14 "Kwa hivi imesemwa katika kitabu cha vita ya BWANA" Numbers 21:14 1599 Geneva Bible (GNV) 14 Wherefore it shall be spoken in the [a]book of the battles of the Lord, [b]what thing he did in the red sea, and in the rivers of Arnon, Footnotes: a.Numbers 21:14 Which seemeth to be the book of the Judges, or as some think, a book which is lost. b.Numbers 21:14 Or, (How God destroyed) Waheb (the city) with a whirlwind and the valley of Arnon. N.B. katika maelezo ya andiko hapo juu, tunaambiwa kwamba kitabu hicho cha VITA ZA BWANA imepotea ! 2. Yoshua 10 : 13 - 14 "Jua likasimama, mwezi ukasimama hata wana wa Israeli walipokwisha kujipatiliza juu ya adui zao. Maneno yale hayakuandikwa katika kitabu ya Yaseri ? Joshua 10:13-14 1599 Geneva Bible (GNV) 13 And the Sun abode, and the moon stood still, until the people avenged themselves upon their enemies: (is not this written in the book of [a]Jasher?) so the Sun abode in the midst of the heaven, and hasted not to go down for a whole day. 14 And there was no day like that before it, nor after it, that the Lord heard the voice of a man: for the Lord [b]fought for Israel. Footnotes: a.Joshua 10:13 Some read the book of the righteous, meaning Moses: the Chaldea text readeth in the book of the Law, but it is like that it was a book thus named, which is now lost. b.Joshua 10:14 By taking away the enemies’ hearts and destroying them with hail stones. N.B. Katika maelezo ya andiko hilo hapo juu, tunafahamishwa kwamba kitabu cha YASHARI imepotea ! Kweli ? 3. 1 Wafalme 11 : 41 " Nayo yaliyosalia ya Sulemani, mambo yake na yote aliyoyafanya, na hekima yake, je! Hayo siyo yaliyoandikwa kitabuni mwa mambo yake Sulemani ? 1 Kings 11:41 1599 Geneva Bible (GNV) 41 And the rest of the words of Solomon, and all that he did, and his wisdom, are they not written in the [a]book of the acts of Solomon? Footnotes: a.1 Kings 11:41 Which book as is thought, was lost in their captivity. N.B. Katika maelezo ya andiko hapo tu, tunaelezwa kwamba kitabu cha TAREHE YA SULEMANI imepotea ! 4. 1 Wafalme 22 : 39 " Na mambo yote ya Ahabu yaliyosalia, na yote aliyoyafanya, na nyumba ya pembe aliyoijenga, na miji yote aliyoijenga, je! Hayakuandikwa katika kitabu-cha-tarehe cha wafalme wa Israeli ? 5. 2 Wafalme 21 : 25 "Basi mambo yote ya Amoni yaliyosalia, aliyoyafanya, je! Hayakuandikwa katika kitabu-cha-tarehe cha wafalme wa Yuda ? 6. 2 Wafalme 24 : 5 "Basi mambo yote ya Yehoyakimu yaliyosalia, na yote aliyoyafanya, je! Hayakuandikwa katika kitabu-cha-tarehe cha wafalme wa Yuda ? 7. 1 Mambo ya Nyakati 29 : 29 "Basi habari za mfalme Daudi, mwanzo na mwisho, angalia, zimeandikwa katika tarehe ya Samweli, mwonaji, na katika tarehe ya Nathani, nabii, na katika tarehe ya Gadi, mwonaji;" 8. 2 Mambo ya Nyakati 9 : 29 "Basi mambo yake Sulemani yaliyosalia, ya kwanza, na ya mwisho, je! Hayakuandikwa katika tarehe ya Nathani nabii, katika unabii wa Ahiya, Mshiloni, na katika maono ya Ido mwonaji juu ya Yeroboamu mwana wa Nebati ?" 9. 2 Mambo ya Nyakati 12 : 15 "Basi mambo yake Rehoboamu, ya kwanza na ya mwisho, je! Hayakuandikwa katika tarehe za Shemaya nabii na Ido mwonaji, kwa jinsi ya kuandika nasaba? Kulikuwa na vita kati ya Rehoboamu na Yeroboamu siku zote." 10. 2 Mambo ya Nyakati 20 : 34 "Na mambo yote ya Yehoshafati yaliyosalia, ya kwanza na ya mwisho, angalia, yameandikwa katika tarehe ya Yehu mwana wa Hanani, iliyotiwa katika kitabu cha wafalme wa Israeli." 11. 2 Mambo ya Nyakati 35 : 26 - 27 " Basi mambo yote ya Yosia yaliyosalia, na matendo yake mema, sawasawa na yote yaliyoandikwa katika torati ya Bwana, na mambo yake, ya kwanza na ya mwisho, tazama, yameandikwa katika kitabu cha wafalme wa Israeli na Yuda." 12. Matendo ya mitume 13 : 20 "Kisha aliwapa waamuzi kwa muda wa miaka kama vile mia ine na hamsini." acts 13:20 The Amplified Bible (BDS) 20 All this took about 450 years. After that, he gave [a] our ancestors leaders until the time of Samuel the prophet. Footnotes: a.Actes 13 : 20. Some manuscripts: after that, for four hundred and fifty years, he gave ... 13. 2 Timotheo 3 : 8 "2 Timothy 3:8 Amplified Bible (AMP) 8 Now just as [a]Jannes and Jambres were hostile to and resisted Moses, so these men also are hostile to and oppose the Truth. They have depraved and distorted minds, and are reprobate and counterfeit and to be rejected as far as the faith is concerned. Footnotes: a.2 Timothy 3:8 Neither of these men is mentioned in the Old Testament, but according to Jewish tradition they were the Egyptian court magicians who opposed Moses. - Katika andiko la 2 Timotheo 3 : 8, utakuta kwamba kuna kitabu kingine walikuwa wanasoma ambayo inaitwa "JEWISH TRADITION" wala sio Bible ! 14. Yuda 1 : 9 Jude 1:9 The Amplified Bible (BDS) 9 Yet Michael the archangel [a] himself, when contending with the devil he disputed about the body of Moses * [b], was careful to utter a judgment against him insulting. He contented himself with saying: May the Lord punish [c]! Footnotes: See Dn 1:9 a.Jude 10.13,21, 12.1; Ap 12.7. Dt 1:9 b.Jude See 34.6. Jude mentions here a Jewish tradition. c.Jude 1:9 Za 3.2. Vitabu vyote viliashiriwa na waandishi wa Biblia vipo sherti; vinahifadhiwa mahala maalum. Vitabu hivyo 14 ao zaidi vilivyonukuliwa na waandishi wa Biblia viliongozwa na Roho Takatifu, ndio maana waandishi (wa Biblia) walivirejelea kwa furaha. Tunadai hivi vitabu vilivyonukuliwa na waandishi wa Biblia viletwe viwekwe kweupe.
Posted on: Thu, 01 Aug 2013 02:41:14 +0000

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