JEANNE PIERE DUTILLEUX , may be a dubious character in as far as - TopicsExpress


JEANNE PIERE DUTILLEUX , may be a dubious character in as far as he cannot be trusted when it comes to money , it is ALLMOST a guaranteed fact that he will ALLWAYS disappear , when the restaurant bill arrives, his necessity to go to the bathroom is as regular as a cuckoo oclock .. The following story gives You an idea of his other side, the side that has not been shown before. Way back in 1977 SURVIVAL TRIMARAN. Was at THE CANNES FILM FESTIVAL , to promote our film RAONI ,AND CLIVE KELLY where the film won (Palma de Ouro ) award for best drama documentary of the year. After we officially (on camera )broadcast worldwide ,closed the festival by sailing off into the sunset, as the narrator said (there goes SURVIVAL , AND HER CREW , off to film other tribal peoples threatened by extinction..several days later we were welcomed by TV coverage, and a grande welcoming party to the Spanish island of LAS PALMAS. On arrival I tied SURVIVAL. Stern to, in the mooring docks of the city (note in those days there was no yaught clubs or marinas ) the docks were built out of concrete, with high or low ( according to the tides )walk around walls, sooo I tied the front of my boat to a bouy, and then tied two stern lines , in a cross manner from the two outriggers of SURVIVAL to the wall cleats . The actual sea water in those mixed docks , was a soup , a filthy, slimy, black goo, of discharged bilge grease mixed with , toilet discharged remains intermingled with sanitary towels, condoms full of stuff with a knot tied to keep it all on. Etc etc .the limousines arrived , with our invitations to the GRANDE PARTY FOR SURVIVALS FILM TEAM . We were driven to the top hotel, where we were met by all the islands dignatorys , plus the visiting STARS OF STAGE, SCREEN , AND RADIO ., that night was to be a LIFE CHANGER, for me, well we were given every type of stimulant you can imagine, from CHAMPERS , to the best white skee slopes From Columbia . As the morning sun rose we were (all 23 of us delivered back to the docks, our group had grown , by my invite to continue partying aboard SURVIVAL . I had not taken into account that , the sea tide had gone down 18 feet! ,the crossed stern lines had obviously dangled in the dirty docks water, thus picking up the oil. And turning black, therefore in my euphoric, drunken state I simply did not see them, as I stepped forward onto what I imagined to be the Back platform ,I DID NOT REALISE THE TIDE WAS OUT, as I plunged , onto the crossed ropes, then bounced into that dirty drink, breaking my left leg on the dive platform . As I lay there now bobbing up and down like a black ball , several of the others , including a couple of girls still dressed in there evening gowns, also jumped in, then after screams, shouts, and mass exit, I was alone clinging on for my life to that now oily diveing platform. Ifffff it had not been for JEANNE PIERRE DUTILEUXS Quick thinking, and his MEDICAL TRAINING , I would have been a goner for sure, he quickly prepared an injection syringe full of MORPHINE, and climbed down the Bach ladder to inject me with that pain killing. Drug, to this day I dont know how, I eventually managed to climb aboard, and even descend the three steps into my back cabin, I remember, seeing , everybody asleep , and covered in black gunge, on the. Central deck, then I remember being washed by one of my new found female friends, then I distinctly remember, her on top of me with my hard drug stimulated willy inside her, woweee , what an orgasm that was, the pain, and the game. I must have passed out . My next memory was of me being lifted by the mainmast boom, as I was hoisted ashore, then taken to hospital , the next day I was. Loaded on a plane to UK for treatment in a LONDON HOSPITAL . Memorys of CAPTAIN CLIVE KELLY .
Posted on: Sun, 10 Nov 2013 18:07:20 +0000

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