JEFFREY ADAMS TESTIMONY IMPORTANT - MIRACLE a must read > > My Pastors at TLC received an incredible large amount of money this past week...but instead of keeping it to themselves/instead of eating their seed - they decided to sow their seed into the people of TLC congregation this morning and give ALL the money to the congregation - - YES, you heard me right, they gave it ALL away - they gave out large amounts of money to each person in the entire congregation this morning at TLC. They blessed each of Us, so we could bless others - Pastors phones are blowing up with testimonies - so here is my TESTIMONY > I prayed, God show me who I need to BLESS today after receiving this money - I went into Walmart to pickup some vegetables - I seen many people but it was not yet in my spirit - I turn around and there she was - a lady, I made eye contact and the spirit of The Lord told me it was her...but I almost second guessed myself and went on - God would not leave me alone - I ended up in the plumbing aisle to try to find a outdoor cover for my outside faucet...and God still would not leave me alone and HE said, I told you it was her - so I said okay God, Im gonna do like Peter did in the Bible when he said if its you Lord then tell me to come to you, but inside Lord, if this is you taking to me, tell that same lady to come all the way over here in the plumbing aisle where I am - YES, you guess correct, about 5 minutes later she came on my aisle, all the way on the other side of the store - she had a few groceries in her buggy - I said excuse me maam I want to pay for your groceries - she started crying, shaking, and her words were sir thank you, thank you so much sir, I did not know how I was going to pay for my groceries I dont even know why Im down this aisle - she didnt want to let go of me - GOD was up in that place, because I was sensitive to his voice. Storys like this are coming from many of us today. THANK YOU JESUS I WAS ABLE TO BLESS SOMEONE ELSE!! This is why the people of TLC are Blessed, thats why people at TLC are not sick, thats why when visitors come to TLC they are healed and set free, thats why people at TLC have good jobs, good health, thats why our crowd is packed out every Sunday morning now, thats why TLC is about to build a huge Sanctuary out in front on our property and PAID FOR/DEBT FREE - BECAUSE WE BLESS OTHERS - WE SPEAK FAITH - WE BELIEVE - WE SOW OUR SEED - WE EXPECT!!! Our Pastors have taught us by example to give, to bless, to help. Its here Athens - TLC has hit the town and its being noised abroad - its only the beginning!!! We are TLC and we are all over this town!! God has truly opened the windows of Heaven over all of us. This is whats happening during our Daniels Fast. WE LIVE IN THE EXPECTANCY!! Thank you Pastors for leading us by example and teaching us how to give. Its and INCREDIBLE day in lives of The People of The Life Church. Next Sunday is our Miracle Celebration Service - you will want to join us - its going to be INCREDIBLY PHENOMENAL!! People will be HEALED!!! MIRACLES WILL HAPPEN NEXT SUNDAY!!! We EXPECT!! — with Brenda Delmas and Mark Delmas.
Posted on: Mon, 20 Jan 2014 00:41:34 +0000

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