JENNA: It has been a rough year for me Jenna. The internal power - TopicsExpress


JENNA: It has been a rough year for me Jenna. The internal power of facebook will get this message to you, Im sure. But anyways, back to last year, you of course passed away at the end of it which put things to a sour halt. The last time we talked was right after sweetest day when you came over and spent the night. Although I was tired from work, I remember getting real excited to see you especially after I was in your neighborhood a few days prior and had a talk with your mom and she told me how she was very worried about you. I told her I would have a talk with you and I did. You and I talked the whole night. The very next we woke up, ate cereal, I went to work and that was the last time I seen you. a few days later at 1 am I got one of the worst phone calls I ever received in my life. It was your sister, Billy, telling me that you were in Garden City hospital. I arrived at the hospital around 2 am. Your mom, aunt, your brother and Stephanie were in the waiting room when I arrived. I remember your brother looking really sad. Billy and Allison showed up a little after I did. While sitting in the waiting room waiting for the word the nurse finally comes in and says, At this point, keeping her alive is in humane. If you decide to do whats humane go ahead and say your good byes now. When I went into the room you looked like you were asleep but indestressed at the same time. Your mom crying and was saying how much she was going to miss you when I was in there. I realized I didnt have the heart to stand in there and watch one of Gods beautiful creations die. I called my mom crying and told her what happened. Then I called Billy Joel and I didnt have it in me to call Brandon. When she answered she was already crying. You died a hour later after I arrived at the hospital. I was in complete shock. I felt so sorry for your mom and family. They loved you so very much Jenna Neumann .. One of the first things I realized about you Jenna, was how bright and extremely intelligent you were. I think a lot of your family and close friends could agree that you could of done anything. One of many things I can remember the most about you was how funny you were and the little jokes you used to make. I remember how you used to call me Skronnie Ronnie and RonRon with the PomPoms lol. You and Shawna used to clown on me with that shit. I remember when you got your first check at Kroll and you bought your nephew that bike for his birthday. I could see the look in your eyes how excited you were, to actually buy your nephew something with your own money. You loved your nephews. You used to always tell me how much you loved your mom, your grandma, and your brothers and sister, so much. You had such a big heart. Thats why losing you was so hard to bare. I didnt go back to work for a month. I found some of your clothes in my room and I finally broke down and started crying. I cant believe Jenna its been a whole year. Im not sure how to end this letter but to say I will never forget you jenna. One day will meet again but for now we can only see each other in my dreams. love Ronnie
Posted on: Sat, 26 Oct 2013 01:03:14 +0000

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