JESSICA Episode 3 Sylvesters mouth went agape like a fish - TopicsExpress


JESSICA Episode 3 Sylvesters mouth went agape like a fish blowing bubbles....or probably gasping for air and Raphael nodded with satisfaction.No one was going to poach on his territory. He shook himself off momentarily as he discovered his sudden possessiveness of a woman not yet his wife and he wasnt liking it one bit. Catherine who was finding it hard not to laugh,excused herself and dragged Jessica after her to the ladies room leaving the two males in their wake. .Sylvester faced Raphael with a confused look. Cartrell,what was that about?......You actually left the States to come get married? It happens all the time bro....Moreover thers no big deal in that Oh cmon man.....thats so unbelievableSylvester scoffed. Raphael shrugged nonchalantly,Believe what you want then. With that he left Sylvester who continued staring after him with a hard glint in his eyes. Something fishy was going on and he was going to rest until he got to the bottom of it all. Watch out Jessica, I coming after you....and Im having you this time around.
Posted on: Fri, 22 Aug 2014 08:41:54 +0000

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