JESUS AND THE SPIRIT “As Jesus was coming up out of the water, - TopicsExpress


JESUS AND THE SPIRIT “As Jesus was coming up out of the water, He saw heaven being torn open and the Spirit descending on Him like a dove”. Mk 1:10 NIV When a student has completed his or her studies and passed the necessary exams they attend a ceremony known as graduation when the degree of Bachelor of Arts (or whatever) is conferred on them. It is more than just a recognition of success in an exam. It confers on the person a status which usually authorises them to perform professional duties in whatever line they are now qualified to operate in. (Although sometimes that only comes after a higher degree is passed). The status can never be taken away from them. At His baptism the Holy Spirit descended on Jesus and was never taken away. Whilst He is seldom mentioned thereafter (apart from in John’s gospel) He remains with Jesus throughout His ministry. The Holy Spirit and Jesus are never separated. All that Jesus says and does after His baptism is Spirit-inspired and Spirit-accompanied. Whilst we wonder “where the dove came from?” and “just what happened when heaven was torn apart?” it is better to just accept that they were mysterious and inexplicable phenomena - just as were the star and the angels at His birth. Notice that Jesus “saw” these strange phenomena which means that they were not just interior visions seen by no one else. When God does extraordinary things He often uses extraordinary means. It is better to accept them at their face value than to try to work out “how they came about” or “what they really were”. The Holy Spirit is totally and completely Christ-centred. The more He dwells in you the more you will be like Jesus. PRAYER THOUGHT Lord, let your Spirit possess me forever.
Posted on: Mon, 16 Sep 2013 21:49:10 +0000

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