JESUS CALLED JUDAS THE SON OF PERDITION (john 17:12) BEFORE HE BETRAYED CHRIST, WHEN HE WAS IN THEIR MIDST. JUDAS DIDNT JUST POP UP OUT OF NOWHERE AND BETRAY CHRIST. HE WAS THERE THE WHOLE TIME. LIKEWISE THE ANTICHRIST IS ALSO CALLED THE SON OF PERDITION (2Thess 2:3). Now notice, the 1st Son of Perdition was already with the disciples BEFORE satan possessed him-he was there the whole time. Therefore, we will see the 2nd Son of Perdition in our midst BEFORE satan posses him too-hes already here. See him now in my study video. Also just as Judas said he wanted to help the poor, his heart was only on himself. Likewise this Son of Perdition will, and currently, speaking of helping the poor but his heart is only thinking of himself. THEN Satan will possess him and he will be THE Antichrist. Watch this study, and see, hear, and look at who this son of perdition is BEFORE satan possesses him. He is a arab royal prince, who will be crowned King (Rev 6:1-3 The 1st Seal), and to the Muslims of the world, he will be their messiah called the Mahdi-king of the muslims who MUST speak Arabic according to Islams koran AND a descendant of the prophet Mohammad. So thats not Obama, or George W. & Jeb Bush, or Pope Francis-he is the False Prophet. But Prince Hassan Bin Talal is the 42 descendant of Mohammad, who speaks ARABIC, promotes interfaith religion with Catholics, Jews, and Muslims and the very areas ISIS is waging war, Syria & Iraq, was once ruled by his royal family-the Hashemite Kingdom, his uncle was King of Iraq & Syria...biblically known as the Assyrian the antichrist is called in the OT, The Assyrian. (Isaiah 14:25). If thats not enough evidence, the temple mount in Israel, where the 3rd temple will be built, well the Dome of the Rock thats there, is run-controled by the Jordan royal family-even the gold that covers it was given by the previous King of Jordan. So I encourage you to watch this study and let the Holy Spirit teach you, giving you sound wisdom and understanding. https://youtube/watch?v=ilMIyyT93Zo
Posted on: Sat, 20 Dec 2014 18:55:50 +0000

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