JESUS CHRIST HEALED ME COMPLETELY! – BIOGRAPHY BENJAMIN COUSIJNSEN Published on Oct 2, 2012 by Heiscoming12 IN MY BIOGRAPHY I TELL THE KEY MOMENTS, IN WHICH THE LORD MADE HIMSELF KNOWN TO ME AND SHOWED ME HIS LOVE. HIS LOVING TOUCH LED TO HEALING. Please share and do not change © BC Full view: Jeremiah 32, verse 27 Behold, I am the LORD, the God of all flesh: is there anything too wonderful for me? Dear listeners, This is Benjamin’s touching testimony, with the theme, ‘Miracles exist’. This is about Benjamin’s childhood first… His name is Benjamin Cousijnsen, listen… One day I came home from playing outside… I think I was about 10 to 12 years old. I walked to the backdoor to get something to drink, I was very thirsty. I had never heard about God or so, and at home we were not even Christian raised. I was very thirsty and went to the tap. But suddenly the Moon came towards me… And it seemed as if the Moon pulled me towards it, and vice versa. The Moon attracted my attention through the kitchen window. I was amazed! The Moon was suddenly so close to me, that I saw a face of a man, who looked so beautiful and wonderful. He looked like a king. ‘Wow’, I thought to myself. And those eyes that looked straight through me… and so penetrating and loving! He wore a gold band and was dressed in bright white. And those eyes, I can tell you, that spoke volumes! And his long hair fell behind His shoulders. I called my mother and said, “Mama, mama, come! Come, take a look!” My mother thought: ‘What’s going on?’ She came towards me. And I said, “Look! I see a king, there! Yes, in the Moon!” And my mother came and I pointed to the Moon, but she saw totally nothing. But she saw on my face, that I saw it. She said: “Benjamin, I see nothing. Maybe you see this, because you are of Jewish descent. This should be intended for you.” Shortly after my mother sent me to the living room, and I watched television. And indeed, I forgot what I had seen due to the television. But later that night, as I was lying in bed, something very strange happened again… The Moon came through the attic window very close, and again I saw that Man full of love. He looked so sweet, and I melted completely! That love was so pervasive to me, which I’ve never experienced. Yes, so much love, I could not handle. This hero crawled away, deep beneath the blankets, and wanted to forget everything I had seen. But under the covers, I saw Him too! ‘How can that be?’ I thought, and I closed my eyes. But still I saw Him, and I crawled all the way to the foot end. But all this didn’t help, I saw Him, even in the dark! Then I fell asleep, and I slept deeply and I heard a voice, calling my name. He said, “Benjamin”, He said three times. And I saw Him, like in the Moon. But now I saw Him in my dream vision, completely in front of me, not like in the Moon, but completely now. He said: “Benjamin, do you know why I cry?” I couldn’t say anything at all, His love was too much for me! I felt very small, and I was so shy. But His face looked to me, as if He looked deep into my heart… And it seemed as if He put something in my heart, that I would experience something very bad in my life, which was to come. He also explained in my heart, that He would always, ALWAYS be with me. And He certainly did… He was always with me, even though I didn’t know Him still. I can tell you, there are many people who are currently listening to my testimony, and they want to take my testimony out of context, what I tell you, because they cannot believe in a God of miracles. And they’re twisting my testimony, and don’t want to listen and understand the truth. I know there’s only one, who hates my testimony, and twists God’s miraculous power and strength and love. But I tell you people: Don’t make another story, please! I tell you the truth of the Light: Jesus Christ, Yeshua HaMashiach. Dear listeners, even though the Lord is always with me, once I got into an accident at work. But the Lord spared me always, supernaturally. The devil always wanted to get rid of me. Furthermore, I was a child of God, and was baptized since November 11, 1979, until the year 1992 came and ended very differently with me… I had a bad accident and because of this, I lost my job. I was singing to the Lord on the moped, this I remember. And I had a helmet on and I rode on a priority road, on the way home, and I traveled from work. But suddenly, with a decent speed, from nowhere from the right, came a car. He didn’t see me because there were cars in the parking lot. The driver didn’t see me, and I saw him just too late, and wanted to avoid him. But it went all too fast. I couldn’t avoid it anymore and landed on the hood, on top of the car and the window, and had a strange collapse that turned me upside down, with the moped. With a loud bang the moped landed beside me, and my helmet was in two pieces, except my head. But it seemed so. My body landed so hard on the ground, and my head so hard against the side pavement, that I lost consciousness for a moment. Also, my hearing was affected by the blow and passed from one ear to the other. I heard absolutely nothing anymore! I was deaf, and the police? He was too busy with the driver. Also I couldn’t speak anymore and I had amnesia; I lost a lot of my past life. My body was cramped and did hurt very much. And my muscles got stuck totally, they were pinched. Everything just worked against me. Dear listeners, this is Part 2 of ‘Benjamin – Miracles exist!’ I will continue with my touching testimony, part 2… The police, they were too busy with the driver… Also my speaking was affected and I had amnesia. I was totally away from the world! I lost a lot, even my past. My body was cramped and I had a lot of pain, and my muscles were totally stuck. Everything was pinched, everything just worked against me. And at one point I was totally paralyzed from head to toe. I also had paralytic symptoms. Yes, as I just told you already… and terrible back pain. For a while I could slightly move… in the beginning. But then I jammed like a robot that became stuck. Then I was sent everywhere, you might even say: tossed. And no one knew what to do with me. And they had to give it a name. A month later, after a long trip, I was admitted. And I was familiar with: Chronic lumbago, misunderstood backache, and after the accident familiar with hearing impairment, asthmatic bronchitis, and chronic fears and tensions, and so on! The hospital had to give it a name. The main thing was that it was more important that Benjamin needed to be taken seriously. Despite everything I needed to go from the hospital of Enschede to Almelo, and then to Utrecht, and then to Zeist, and even Hengelo, and then I could go home earlier, in Zeist. Because it was all too much for me. I was wrecked and handicapped. But then one day when I left the hospital, and again ended up in Enschede, I was brought home from that hospital… There would be home care for me, for further needs, because I couldn’t do anything at all. But nobody came! Nobody at all… it was a miscommunication, misunderstanding thus! Yet, there was Someone at my house, that took care and always was with me, and who sat in my heart, in my thoughts and sat in my spirit. Dear listeners, I sat in a wheelchair and I could totally do nothing, but suddenly I saw myself sitting there, and I saw that someone was with me. No, it was not the home care, who had to arrive still. No, they had forgotten me, weird. I saw myself and I saw a person next to me… it was Jesus Christ, Yeshua HaMashiach! He appeared in a blinding light. I can tell you, when Jesus Christ appears, or is coming back again soon, EVERYONE will recognize Him! He stood behind me with His presence, the mighty Lord. And you know, he put His hands on my head first, and then on my shoulders, then He put His hand on my back… And then suddenly I got a decent push and I fell on the floor! I can tell you that I hadn’t felt this, because I had no feeling in my body. But when I fell on the floor, it seemed that my feeling came back. I suddenly got strength in my fingers, and so I crawled to the refrigerator. With my fingers I got it loose, and there fell something on the floor, which seemed to be a drink. I was almost too afraid to tell you this, listeners, but as a dog I drank from the floor and I slurped everything. Also I want to tell you this… Also on the floor, I spoke with the Lord. I did that with my thoughts, in my body where I was in. I always talked a lot with the Lord, which I already did all those years, even before the accident. My eyes were fixed on a folder… I saw a page and there was written in the text: “Prayer in the Arena”. The content I understood so clearly after years, and it touched me. But I felt love and power, and so on, in my living room! I cannot describe it, it was such a presence, like I was in heaven. I cannot explain, how special! ‘What’s happening?’ I thought… But a little later the home caregiver still arrived through the backdoor… Yes, the backdoor, and she put me to bed. Also my body was bright red as a lobster, and I knew in my spirit and in my mind that the Lord was with me… and worked on me. Yes, the home caregiver was concerned, because they saw that my body was bright red, but they didn’t know what had happened before. And they were very worried! And they wanted to call the doctor, when it remained like this. I felt my body burning on my wounds, which seemed like leprosy, which I had for years, and also with medication and so on. Since the accident, from head to toe, I had a kind of leprosy, all thick crusts… You can compare me with Job in the Bible. But that night, as I lay in bed, I saw myself lying there in a dream… I saw my body unclothed, with a purse of light, which only ONE can give: Jesus Christ, Yeshua HaMashiach. I saw His beautiful hands on my body… But I can tell you, my body was in the light, and I saw that His hands didn’t touch me, I think a few inches away from my body. And so He went with a slow gesture over my body, and everything was breaking everywhere! He went without pressing or kneading on my body, over my body without touching, so I could see what was happening. I heard everything break. Early in the morning I woke up and felt totally different, as if after years I’ve been baptized with the Holy Spirit again. I sat down through a pull up parrot, which is a rack, a metal rack to which you can hold, and immediately carefully put my leg aside of the bed. Yeah, how I slept well! It was wonderful. After years I had slept so well without pain, and I noticed that the pain was gone. Then everything went very quickly… I lifted myself up at the triple chair, and then I went to the stairs and lifted myself on the stair lift. And from there into the wheelchair, and into the living room. After all these years I picked up my old crutches. Yes, and I wanted to walk, (laughs) I can tell you, but immediately I fell on the floor. But step by step… Then, the second day I walked with crutches, step by step. It started the first day, a meter, then the second day two meters, and it continued like this actually… Yes, and the third day I walked without crutches, around the pond, giving thanks to God with tears. God gave me everything back completely, and I’m totally healed! He delivered me from my medication immediately. It was all done very radically and completely. If the Lord does something, I can tell you, that He really does it well. It was all very intense… don’t get me wrong, God gave me back everything completely and more. I always believed in miracles for others, that God can do that, but for me? No… I started to ride my bike right away, and I noticed that the world really had changed after all these years, after 16 years… For 16 years I had been sitting in the wheelchair. I had been in a kind of time machine, I can say. And for years I was away from the Earth, I was somewhere else… in a safe place, where it was very beautiful. And this is true, I talked a lot in the Light of the presence of Jesus Christ, Yeshua HaMashiach. But now that I have been brought back, in my body, in the end times, as the Lord said to me: “I’m putting you back, but back in the last days, the end times”. So when I’ve been put back in my body, I noticed that the Rapture of Christians is very soon! Therefore the name of my website is: “The full evangelical End time space Time Machine”. God has a purpose with this, with this website, and also with me of course. I can tell you: Benjamin, Welcome in the End Times! For years I could not write or speak, and so I’m asking for your understanding. You know, I see it very clearly and sharply, that the Rapture is imminent. And if you look at the events, what is happening in the world now… Back then with the flu, you know, the flu epidemic, with the Chip, with Israel and Iran, etc. etc. You must be blind if you cannot see it. But this is only the beginning of the labor, it’s a kind of distraction for the people. I tell you, Jesus Christ, Yeshua HaMashiach, is coming very soon! I will tell you something first about that revelation, which I first wrote… I once had a revelation from the Lord, and it was before the accident, that I was sitting on a chair in the living room, still in my old house. Then the Lord showed me a woman, and actually the Lord showed me a woman, that really was my deepest, deepest desire. I had made a prayer list, that I longed for from the Lord, and which I didn’t show of course to anybody, because I was afraid, I was afraid that I get laughed at! Also to the Christians… I had made a list and I had written: I wish for a foreign woman, and, she should look like this, and this… Yes… because, well, Dutch food I don’t like so much. Yes, I had written this. When I sat on the chair, I actually saw what I had written in my list: the ideal woman… But, after the divorce from my ex, who couldn’t live with someone who was disabled, the Lord brought me my true soulmate in my life, whom for me is a great blessing. I can tell you, when the Lord had shown her in the beginning, I thought, ‘I must be mad, she’s not the one, that’s completely different!’ Because I had been married with a different kind of woman… Yes, and I didn’t understand it, but after all these years after this event, I can tell you, that He brought the true one into my life. He brought her in my life through the Internet. And her eyes remind me of the Lord. Also, it’s a wonder how we came together. She is a wonderful woman, and sweet and pure, true, and she has great strengths. And I enjoy her every day, and with her, I would indeed like to go in the Rapture to the Lord. For me she is really an angel! I am very grateful to the Lord, that the Lord has brought us together. Yes… I will now proceed to Part 3 Dear Listeners, welcome to part 3. This is my touching testimony, with the theme: ‘Miracles exist’. So I will continue with part 3. Dear listeners, on the 7th of the 6th to the 8th, I am happily married and also blessed. And I have feelings for her which I’d never felt before, in all aspects of my life. She just seems very much like me, and sometimes it is also quite creepy. We even think the same and feel the same for each other. This I had never known. Her love for me is very natural. Her love touches me every day again. And such a love I never really knew, and I realize that I had lack in my life, actually in all views. But this very dear, faithful, true woman is a lovely good wife and companion, and together we thank the Lord, Yeshua HaMashiach, Jesus Christ, for everything. My wife asked me one day: “Why had the Lord healed everything, but why not your hearing?” “You still wear hearing devices, those shells.” I asked to pray for me, because I was shocked that she said that. I was anointed with oil, a bottle with special oil that came from Israel. And what happened next… just after I lost my hearing devices, I heard again, without a hearing aid… I heard the birds and the cars, and suddenly I heard everything very clearly. What a noise, those cars! Yes listeners, I love God very much, and together with my wife we thank Him, that He has brought me back to life after 16 years. And when I look to my dear wife, in her beautiful eyes, I see the eyes of the Lord Jesus Christ, Yeshua HaMashiach. And then I think back to that man, that King, who was in the Moon. And who looked at me in my childhood. I am a Christian and I am baptized, and open to the working of the Holy Spirit. Jesus Christ, Yeshua HaMashiach, is moved towards people. If you repent, and focus on Him with all your mistakes of the past and present, He will provide for your outcome! Perhaps you know Him already, or have heard of Him and have gone far from Him, then I advise you to still accept Him in your life again, to pick up where you left off then. Because He loves you, more than anyone else! He doesn’t want you to perish, but that you are there when He comes. He was and is the Same for all eternity! If you are touched by the story that I’ve told you, I ask you, today, to surrender to Him. And pray. And if you are afraid to pray, you can say: “Thank you Lord, thank you!” You know, miracles do exist! What Yeshua HaMashiach did back then, He still does! Previously, when I prayed for someone, I noticed that the Lord Jesus Christ, Yeshua HaMashiach, worked mightily through my hands, and also through my mouth, and I was allowed to be a witness of His miracles. But one day, when I had to go to church, I walked around the house and grabbed my bike, which stood at the front door… I was ready, nice clothes, well cared… But suddenly a voice said to me: “Benjamin, do not go to church, go pray now.” I thought, ‘That’s the evil one,’ I thought to myself. ‘Yeah, who’s going to say that? Because I’m on the way to the house of the Lord. And I also wanted to be on time. Would this be the Lord?’ But I thought, ‘Yes… I will go to church’. And you know, then I heard that voice again: “Benjamin, do not go to church, pray now, right now, and write down the time!” That voice was so pervasive, that I started praying. I obeyed it, but I still thought, ‘Would this be the Lord? Write the time?’ I thought, ‘No… He would, Jesus would never stop me from going to church’, I thought suddenly, ‘I’m just going to church again, I really have to go or I will be too late’. But suddenly I could not move, it seemed like I was stuck… ‘What is this?’ I thought. I couldn’t take one step! “Benjamin,” said the voice in me… I then answered: “Yes, Lord…” Then I got it. “Go quickly inside to pray, at home…” Then I began to pray and I had my eyes closed. When I closed my eyes, I saw a man who looked like a pastor… I saw that he had a hard time with the preaching. Suddenly he could no longer produce good words. I also saw the people listening to him, from the chairs. There was a spiritual attack on him, and he started to sweat! I began to pray for him. Because I saw this in that vision, the Lord showed me. And so I began to pray for him, and I punished the powers in the mighty name of Jesus Christ, Yeshua HaMashiach! I knew right away that the Lord would work. But I did not know who that man was. And while praying, there was a kind of spiritual wind that blasted through me, and I felt it leaving through my hands, going somewhere. I think two or three days later, I received a call from an unknown man… He said: “I want to thank you for your prayers! During the church service, I saw you in the spirit, praying for me. And I want to thank you for it. It was very, very difficult for me”. I asked suddenly, “How did you get my number?” And I also asked for the time of that day, when he was attacked. And it was similar to mine, which I had written down. After many questions he had found me through the church… via via. Later after the conversation I thought, ‘Would the Lord give my first and last name to him then? I do not know. Or have even given my phone number?’ Yes, miracles exist, that’s for sure! I’m going back in time… 1990… One day I came back home from work, and went upstairs to change clothes in my bedroom. I had a nice round table and I thought, ‘No one sees what I do, but I know what I’m going to do, I will put food here in the bedroom.’ And I had made a bread, and put half on one side of the plate, and the other half on the other side for myself. I poured two cups to drink, for me and the Lord. I put it on the table and I invited Yeshua HaMashiach, to sit together with me. After my prayer, basically everything around me changed, a very holy atmosphere was present. So strong that I had to fight my tears. I felt that He was there and sat on the opposite side with me! And I talked a lot, you might say! Don’t laugh at me… But the bread… Yes, I was eating, but the bread of the Lord, stayed there. The bread of the Lord I had eaten later. But His presence, with Him, was so wonderful, like I was in heaven! Some time afterwards I went to the cafeteria and ordered my regular menu, which I love very much… Special chips and a large fried meatball with onion, peanut sauce, and a Coke, and a few other things. But if you want to know, how this story continues, go to Part 4 now. Welcome to Benjamin – ‘Miracles exist!’ This is my touching testimony, with the theme: Miracles exist. I now continue with Part 4. Yes dear listeners, I can tell you… One day I went to the cafeteria… I was very hungry, and ordered my regular menu, that I also loved very much: Special chips, big of course, a meatball with onion and peanut sauce, and a Coke, and some other foods. I ate everything and even a bit more I had eaten. I had a decent appetite from all that work on my job! Before I went, I walked to the bar and wanted to pay… Because I had eaten everything, oh gosh, how have I been eating!, and what an appetite I had! But oh my! My thoughts went back… ‘I left my money on the table! And now what?’ I thought to myself… I was blushing… The man in the cafeteria waited quietly, patiently about the money that he was owned from me. And I was very hot. But as soon as I started to blush, immediately the door of the cafeteria went open, and I heard: “Shalom!” That’s what these three men said. I didn’t know them at all, and they got to me and said, “Hey! You, you don’t need to pay, we do!” And they smiled at me. They paid exactly that amount. They didn’t hear the amount yet, but they paid exactly the amount, and went in front of me. I was surprised, I could not speak. And they paid cash, weird, who does something like that?! I thanked them, and went off like a rocket on my bike, I was so ashamed! But when I was on the bike, I thought to myself, ‘Could these three men have been angels?’ ‘Nobody knew that I left my money on the table at home’, I thought. They didn’t even hear about that, and yet they arrived for me! Only God knew! Still, at least I said, “Thank you Lord”. Yes listeners, that’s a miracle or isn’t it? Do angels really exist then? Of course angels do exist! And Jesus Christ is real too! And there is much more that is real, the Bible is real, and also real in my life! Even now, Jesus Christ is the Same. Also at this time He is mighty in His works, because we are living in the end times. Really people, miracles exist! Now, after 16 years later being brought back to life after the accident, and mightily being healed, I notice as it were, that I am risen from the dead, but… in the end times. And I am placed in it. Jesus Christ, Yeshua HaMashiach, also stood up from the dead, and came out of the grave, and lives, and would like so much to be involved in your life, because He cares so much about you! He cares so much more about you than any human being ever! Completely different love than the love that the world gives you, or your neighbor. He asks you for your heart. Yes listeners, Jesus Christ asks for your heart, for humility, not your own wisdom, but humility, and asks you if you want to bend your knees to accept Him. Thank you for your attention, and Jesus Christ asks you for your heart, think about that. The evangelical end time space Time Machine blesses you, and: Bless you in the name of Yeshua HaMashiach, Jesus Christ. He is coming very soon! Thank you for your attention and God bless!
Posted on: Wed, 24 Sep 2014 03:19:57 +0000

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