JESUS CHRIST IS COMING BACK SOONER THAN YOU THINK! -PART 15 * UNDERSTANDING THE PROPHECY OF DANIELS 70 WEEKS See Daniel 9vs24-27 This Is How The 70 Weeks Are Broken Down * THE 7 WEEKS: 7 weeks [given that a day represents a year: (7 times 7) years = 49 years]. This 49-year period is the time when the commandment to restore and to build Jerusalem was given. It would take 49 years to accomplish this, counting from the time the vision of 70 Weeks was given to Daniel. * THE 62 WEEKS: From the end point on the rebuilding of the walls of Jerusalem, until Messiah was to be revealed and also be rejected (during the first coming of Jesus Christ); it would be 62 weeks [given that a day represents a year: (62 times 7) years = 434 years]. * THE LAST WEEK (1 WEEK): 1 week [given that a day represents a year: (7 times 1) years = 7 years]. This 7-year period is yet future because God stopped the time-clock when Israel rejected the Messiah (Jesus Christ) and He went to the Cross of Calvary. Adding the 7 Weeks, or 49 years, to the 62 weeks, or 434 years, brings us to a total of exactly 483 years from the time that the commandment went forth to rebuild the walls unto the very day, April 2, 30 AD, that Jesus Christ was paraded through the streets of Jerusalem just prior to going to the Cross. Note due to the difference in the calendars, you cannot do the calculation on the years without first taking into account the different calendars that were used in the past 2,500 years. THE LAST WEEK, 7 YEARS, IS PAUSED AND DEFERRED TO A POINT IN THE FUTURE. Amazingly, everything happened precisely as Angel Gabriel had told Daniel that it would. The streets and the walls of Jerusalem were rebuilt in exactly 49 years. And from that day to the day that MESSIAH WAS CUT OFF, REFERENCE TO JESUS CHRISTS REJECTION BY HIS OWN PEOPLE AND THEN EXECUTION ON THE CROSS, WAS EXACTLY 434 YEARS. If you have not known Jesus Christ intimately (stubbornly unsaved): Today is the day of your salvation, accept Him as your Lord and personal Savior now! If you have already backslid, re-dedicate your life to God now! Because the next moment may be too late for you! .....TO BE CONTINUED.
Posted on: Sat, 28 Jun 2014 04:01:11 +0000

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