JESUS CHRIST IS COMING BACK SOONER THAN YOU THINK! -PART 28 THE SIGNS OF THE SECOND COMING OF JESUS CHRIST And then many will be offended, will betray one another, and will hate one another (Matthew 24vs10). Brethren, he who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches. Despite Jesus Christ extensively prayed for the church (from early church to end-time church). Jesus prayed for oneness or unity of faith, unconditional love among Christians . The kind of agape (unconditional) love and oneness that The Father and The Son have for each other (John 17vs11,20-23,26 ). But this end-time church is pathetically apostate and also in the sleeping state. The faith and love of this end-time church have grown cold; their sense of oneness has grown dull. Hence, they have abandoned their faith in the WORD OF GOD, because the end-time church is blown away by the wind of the false doctrines through the prosperity and motivating pastors, fund raising preachers who are not preaching the raw message or the undiluted WORD OF GOD. The unfaithful, worldly and motivating preachers of nowadays motivate the people of God through their oratorical speeches and skills in place of preaching the genuine Gospel. The unfaithful and prosperity pastors are not helping the end-time church, they just contribute in putting the end-time church into further sleeping state. Instead of the unfaithful and motivating preachers to have total reliance on THE HOLY SPIRIT, they are relying totally on their mental abilities, intelligence, oratory, charisma, communication skills and presentation skills to motivate (not to preach the genuine Gospel) the end-time church. Consequently, Christians all over the world are led astray. There are hatred, apostasies, betrayals, division and low tolerance among the end-time church. Motivation cannot win the soul of the unsaved. Motivation cannot grow love and faith of the people. Motivation cannot make people to be holy, righteous, truthful and united. ONLY THE GENUINE GOSPEL OF OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST CAN DO ALL THAT (Romans 1vs16-19). THESE ARE THE UNDENIABLE SIGNS OF THE SECOND COMING OF KING JESUS CHRIST! BE WARNED!! WATCH AND PRAY!!! .....TO BE CONTINUED.
Posted on: Fri, 11 Jul 2014 07:24:12 +0000

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