JESUS CHRIST – A DISTINCT SELF-EXISTENT GOD FROM ETERNITY APART FROM GOD THE FATHER. Hope you would take time to read these 8 quotes below from Spirit of Prophecy about Jesus Christs self-existence. Statement # 1 - Mrs. White says, “If Christ made all things, He existed before all things. The words spoken in regard to this are so decisive that no one need be left in doubt. CHRIST WAS GOD ESSENTIALLY, and in the highest sense. HE WAS WITH GOD FROM ALL ETERNITY, God over all, blessed forevermore. The Lord Jesus Christ, the divine Son of God, existed from eternity, A DISTINCT PERSON, yet one with the Father.” {Lift Him Up, p.16} … (Review and Herald, April 05, 1906). - SDA Bible Commentary, Volume 5, page 1126. Statement # 2 - Mrs. White says, Mrs. White says, Jesus declared, I am the resurrection, and the life. In Christ is life, original, unborrowed, underived. He that hath the Son hath life. 1 John 5:12. The divinity of Christ is the believers assurance of eternal life.” Desire of Ages, p. 530. Statement # 3 - Mrs. White says: “It was the Source of all mercy and pardon, peace and grace, the self- existent, eternal, unchangeable ONE, who visited His exiled servant on the isle that is called Patmos.” (Manuscript 81, 1900), - SDA Bible Commentary, Volume 7, page, 955. Statement # 4 - Mrs. White says, “Jesus alone could give security to God; FOR HE WAS EQUAL TO GOD. He alone could be a mediator between God and man; for He possessed divinity and humanity.” {Review and Herald, April 03, 1894}. Statement # 5 - Mrs. White says, “Not one of the angels could have become surety for the human race; for their life is Gods; they could not surrender it. … BUT CHRIST IS EQUAL WITH GOD, INFINITE AND OMNIPOTENT. HE COULD PAY THE RANSOM FOR MANS FREEDOM. HE IS THE ETERNAL SELF EXISTENT SON, on whom no yoke had come; and when God asked, “Whom shall I send?” He could reply, “Here I am; send Me.” He could pledge Himself to become mans surety; for He could say that which the highest angel could not say, - “I have power over MY own life, power to lay it down, … and power to take it again.” (Youth Instructor, June 21, 1900). Statement # 6 - Mrs. White says, “They retorted with a sneer, as if they would prove Jesus to be a madman, Thou art not yet fifty years old, and hast Thou seen Abraham? With solemn dignity Jesus answered, Verily, verily, I say unto you, Before Abraham was, I Am. Silence fell upon the vast assembly. The name of God, given to Moses to express the idea of the ETERNAL PRESENCE, had been claimed as His own by this Galilean Rabbi. He had announced Himself to be the SELF-EXISTENT ONE,” Desire of Ages, p. 469-470. Statement # 7- Mrs. White says, “CHRIST WAS GOD ESSENTIALLY, and in all the highest sense, HE WAS WITH GOD FROM ALL ETERNITY. God over all, blessed forevermore. The Lord Jesus Christ, the divine Son of God, EXISTED FROM ETERNITY, A DISTINCT PERSON, yet one with the Father. He was the surpassing glory of heaven. He was the Commander of the heavenly intelligences, and the adoring homage of angels was received by HIM AS HIS RIGHT. THIS WAS NO ROBBERY OF GOD.” Review and Herald, April 05, 1906. Statement # 8 - Mrs. Whites says, He (Jesus Christ) was EQUAL with God (the Father), infinite and omnipotent ... He is the eternal, self-existent Son. Evangelism, p. 615. ….................................. Question: Which Adventist who professed to believe in the writings of Mrs. White continues NOT to believe that Jesus Christ is God, self-existent, and eternal, after reading those 8 quotes from Spirit of Prophecy?????? …. Only a fool.
Posted on: Thu, 28 Aug 2014 22:23:05 +0000

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