JESUS IS ALL YALL’S HEALER AMEN Part 6 of 25 “THESE - TopicsExpress


JESUS IS ALL YALL’S HEALER AMEN Part 6 of 25 “THESE SIGNS” As soon as a man believed, these signs were to accompany him. “In my name shall they cast out demons; they shall speak with new tongues; they shall take up serpents, and if they drink any deadly thing, it shall in no wise hurt them; they shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover. The word “believer” means “a believing one.” As soon as a man was Born Again, God planned that he should advertise the New Creation by healing sick folk in the presence of the unsaved world. Jesus’ entire ministry was a combat with the demoniacal forces. The same thing is true of the church. All disease, all sickness, all pain, all trouble, all sin, is a result of the satanic hatred of the human race. “In my name they shall cast out demons.” They were to take Jesus’ place. They were going out into the world and acting for him. 1 John 3:8, Jesus came to destroy the works of the devil. We are to act for him today. John 14:12, “Greater works than these shall ye do; because I go unto the Father. And whatsoever ye shall ask in my name, that will I do, that the father may be glorified in the Son. If ye shall ask anything in my name, that will I do.” He is not talking about prayer. He is talking about casting out demons, about healing the sick, and miracles. “Whatsoever you shall demand in my name.” That word “ask” means “demand.” You are demanding as Peter did at the beautiful gate that morning when he said to the impotent man, “In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth rise and walk.” The man was instantly healed. He was not a Christian. He had not accepted Christ. It is likely that the great multitudes who were healed, recorded in Acts 5, were made up of unsaved people. The majority of the healings in the book of Acts were healings of sick people who had not yet become believers. Read carefully Acts 5:12-16. Practically all these people were unsaved Jews. In Acts 8:8-10 the power God is again unveiled. All these miracles performed in Jesus’ name were upon the unsaved world. The church has missed its greatest method of advertising. Gods method of advertising was through miracles. Divine healing has a large ministry with the unsaved today. * * * * * * * * Christ was a miracle. Christianity is Christ living in men today. The Incarnation and the New Birth are both of God. Both are miracles. Answered prayer is a miracle. When prayer does not produce miracles it is but empty words. A miracle is God moving into the sense realm. Dont condemn yourself for your doubts. Cure them by getting acquainted with your Father. Confession always goes ahead of healing. Dont watch symptoms--watch the Word, and be sure that your confession is bold and vigorous. Dont listen to people. Act on the word. Be a doer of the word. It is God speaking. You are healed. The Word says you are. Dont listen to the senses. Give the Word its place. God cannot lie.
Posted on: Sun, 23 Nov 2014 21:59:51 +0000

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