JESUS MOST OF ALL, DIED ON THE CROSS TO SET US FREE FROM A LIFE OF FEAR. SOME PEOPLE LIVE ALL THEIR LIVES LOCKED UP IN A JAIL OF FEAR. THIS IS THE LEVERAGE SATAN USES MOST OF THE TIME AGAINST US. THEREFORE REPENT, BREAK THOSE BONDAGES, DECLARE IT NUL AND VOID AND DEAD, TEAR IT DOWN AN DEMOLISH IT TO CHALK STONE DUST AND PIECES, PRAY FOR THE DELIVERANCE OF ALL EVIL, GIVING GOD THE GLORY. ASK TO BE REDEEMED BY THE BLOOD OF JESUS AND FILLED WITH THE HOLY SPIRIT. PRAY FOR HEALING RESOTRATION AND WHOLENESS. ASK TO BE FILLED WITH THE LOVE, UNDERSTANDING AND FRIENDLINESS OF JESUS. PRAY AND ASK GOD TO WITHDRAW HIS SWORD AND HAND OVER YOU LIFE EN LOOSE IN HEAVEN AND ON EARTH, PEACE, GOODWILL, LOVE AND HARMONY, AND A LIFE AS A NEW CREATION IN CHRIST JESUS. WE PRAY ALL OF THIS IN THE NAME OF JESUS. Ever so often we here the question, why did God allow this or that? One very easy answer is? Is it something that you have feared? Fear will always come to pass, always. Mark 5:36 .............. Jesus said ....., Do not be seized with alarm {and} struck with fear; only keep on believing. Luke 5:10 ............And Jesus said to Simon, Have no fear; from now on you will be catching men! Luke 8:50 But Jesus, ......... answered him, Do not be seized with alarm {or} struck with fear; simply believe [in Me as able to do this], and she shall be made well. Heb 5:7 In the days of His flesh [Jesus] offered up definite, special petitions [for that which He not only wanted but needed] and supplications with strong crying and tears to Him Who was [always] able to save Him [out] from death, and He was heard because of His reverence toward God [His godly fear, His piety, in that He shrank from the horrors of separation from the bright presence of the Father]. 1 Pet 1:2 ..........May grace (spiritual blessing) and peace be given you in increasing abundance [that spiritual peace to be realized in and through Christ, freedom from fears, agitating passions, and moral conflicts]. 1 Pet 3:21 ..........And baptism, which is a figure [of their deliverance], does now also save you [from inward questionings and fears], ..............
Posted on: Sat, 22 Jun 2013 21:16:41 +0000

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