JESUS OF HISTORY One of my favorite TV people is Bill Oreilly - TopicsExpress


JESUS OF HISTORY One of my favorite TV people is Bill Oreilly of the Fox New, big brash Irish guy, pretty bombastic. He makes a push for Jesus to be taught in schools as history. Not as Christ Messiah, he calls that theology, but as a person who lived and died, history. Not as a man who arose, again theology. He is right, then wrong. Right if history is just our (mans) version of it, very wrong if real history is an accurate rendition of true events exactly as they occurred. The history we all read is that written by they who prevailed, colored by their biases and views, mostly. The victors write the history. Over and over we see it. Even history we all witnessed and were alive to see, by the time some guys is putting it down , he is spinning it in his own views and beliefs,essentially his image, his likeness. In our lifetime we see the sorrow and sacrifice of the civil rights movement being linked with the re definition of marriage. A sad thing that will make even Shaitan blush! We are even beginning to see the redefining of events of that terrible September morning. If the third Reich had prevailed we would all be speaking German, the Jews would all have been made into compost and the entire African continent a massive farm land. Nuremberg would have never existed and all would have praised the massive repelling of the D day invasion and what different movies we would have been watching. History is being actively and accurately recorded, objectively by a recorder not bound by time. He can go back and recheck prior, current and post events, properly evaluated and weighed by He who is utterly true and just. We speak of a historical Jesus in our own limited and often tainted view of events. The real history cannot separate Jesus from Christ and Christ from Jesus. Real history is true theology and true theology is real history. For now we make do with the version we have, some of us are already moving into the whole pure version, why wait? I kinda like the blessedness that follows believing before seeing. Meanwhile keep pressing Bill, if you are not against Him, you are for Him... Speak of Him in this history, it’s light enough...the Holy Spirit only needs the smallest fraction of an inch.
Posted on: Tue, 15 Apr 2014 10:35:13 +0000

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