JESUS REVEALED GOD In other words, to know what kind of person - TopicsExpress


JESUS REVEALED GOD In other words, to know what kind of person God is, one need only look at Jesus and see what kind of person He was. What kind of person was He? He fed hungry people, made sick people well, gave courage to the discouraged and comfort to those that mourned. He went about doing good and in everything lived to bless others. This meant at last being to put to death on the cross. What kind of person is God? The same kind of person as was Jesus. Amazing though it be, Gods love continued even after rebellious men tortured His son to death. Clear evidence of this was given at Pentecost when God again acted to provide those men who were ready with the power they needed to continue to reveal that He is a person who knows all about us and our problems and is doing all He can do to help. He is that kind of person. Some may feel along with the death-of-God theologians that it is no longer possible to think about or believe in a transcendent God who acts in human history (Ibid.), as has been described. Such a view of God they may say is out of date and without meaning in our modern scientific age. This is what prompts Bishop J. A. T. Robinson to declare that God is not up there or out there, and Dietrich Bonhoeffer to write of the need for the Church to develop a nonreligious interpretation of Biblical concepts, and of a secular world come of age that no longer finds God necessary as a hypothesis to explain the sun and stars or as an answer to mans anxiety. Thus, Harvey Cox in The Secular City concludes that. Christianity may have to stop talking about God for a while. -Ibid. not all share this modern skepticism, however, for many still find the bibles portrayal of God so true to the circumstances of life that they find it in the highest degree probable that He Himself had a part in its writing. Their own personal experience bears out that God is the kind of person that the Bible pictures Him to be, a person full of love, ready to hear the softest cry, and quick to answer.
Posted on: Thu, 27 Mar 2014 10:46:29 +0000

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