JESUS SAID in Luke 6:26 Woe unto you ,when all men shall speak - TopicsExpress


JESUS SAID in Luke 6:26 Woe unto you ,when all men shall speak well of you ! For so did their fathers to the false prophets. Being popular and successful is not a sign of Gods calling and Gods approval ! BIBLE NOTE -When a larger portion of the unbelieving world speaks well of a believer or a professed minister of God,it may be evidence that he is not a true believer of Christ ,since false prophets/teachers/pastors are often popular with those who are not loyal to Christ.Ministers who loyally serve Christ will have the same thing happen to them as happened to Christ.Their lives and message will come into collision with the sins of the ungodly. Beware of famous,flashy,celebrity preachers who love the camera and the attention of men. Many can perform and stir the crowd with little real scriptural content to their message! There is no conviction of sin!Noise does not equal anointing and the Holy Spirit does not use carnal methods ! God anoints godly humble men of God who pray and preach the Truth ! These men hate the applause of men ,they only seek the approval of God. We do not need stars in the pulpit !We need ministers after Gods own heart. Most ministers who are faithful to their calling are unknown to us.They do not seek fame,fortune and publicity !They seek souls !They feed the flock ! A.W.TOZER -MANY MINISTERS COMPETE FOR PLACE AND POSITION .THEY HUNGER FOR PRAISE AND HONOR.HOW CAN WE EXCUSE THE PASSION FOR PUBLICITY WHICH IS SO EVIDENT AMONG MANY CHRISTIAN LEADERS?WHAT ABOUT THE FEVERED HAND THAT IS STRETCHED OUT FOR A BIGGER LOVE OFFERING.?WHAT ABOUT THE SHAMELESS EGOTISM AMONG CHRISTIAN LEADERS?HOW CAN WE EXPLAIN THE GROSS MAN WORSHIP THAT EXALTS POPULAR PREACHERS TO THE SIZE OF A GIGANTIC STATUE?THERE IS ONLY ONE ANSWER,IT IS SIMPLE THAT IN THESE MANIFESTATIONS WE SEE THE WORLD AND NOTHING BUT THE WORLD. We are not called to be popular or to be liked and applauded ! We do not seek to be approved of men. Paul said in Galatians 1:10For do I now persuade men ,or God? Or do I seek to please men ? For if I yet pleased men ,I should not be the servant of Christ. We deliver and preach the Truth and dare not tone it down and alter it to please the crowds and to draw the crowds ! The Truth confronts us and convicts us but we must respond to the Truth so it can change us. Some receive it and others rejects it but we must be faithful to proclaim it. Phillip Keller said,Pastors , ministers ,evangelists ,and teachers are so eager to be liked by their parishioners ,so determined to be accepted by their society that they refuse to cry out against its evils as did the prophets of old.They live in fear of being despised or rejected of men as the Master. Many ,many Christians are extremely gullible.They accept almost any teaching as long as it is offered to them in a smooth and plausible package.Altogether too few study Gods Word enough to know the difference between truth and deception.Little wonder that they fall prey to imposters ! It was said in former times,The church was never so powerful in the world as when she had nothing to do with the world. The reason for this is that it was clearly understood that the two were in total contradiction to each other.Christians knew unmistakably that they had a deep allegiance to Christ,whereas the world rejected Him and despised His truths. Brother David Cooke- The modern church looks just like the world and has ceased to be salt and light ! Thank God for the remnant that is faithful to follow Christ who said if that hated Me they will hate you. The road to heaven is narrow and few there be that are on that road headed to heaven as pilgrims and strangers.Make sure you are on that road my friends ! (Matthew 7:13-14) Share this post as the Lord leads you ! Thank you !!
Posted on: Sat, 22 Mar 2014 23:53:28 +0000

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